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The Next District 9 may be a Prequel?
Rumour is already a buzz with Neill Blomkamp’s success that a sequel to District 9 is a complete possibility. But in a recent Audio Interview Neill says he would like to explore a prequel instead.
MovieWeb offers:
Blomkamp stated that there wasn’t an official story for a new film yet, but indicated that the studio was certainly interested in a sequel. The director also talked about making the new film a prequel versus a sequel
While District 9 is getting a lot of good reviews and Blomkamp has proven his teeth to officially be cut, I really hope they don’t do another film of the same kind.
John already hit on this, but I wanted to share one thought. M. Night Shyamalan.
Though his films were diverse in content and themes, after Sixth Sense you could always predict a Twist at some point. After he did it twice you watch his films trying to FIND the twist, which for me took something away from his films.
Anyways, as John already pointed out, it would be a good idea for Blomkamp to move on with another film that isn’t District 9. Quite possibly not even sci-fi (some speculate that they will pursue Halo again.. I don’t see that happening)
But putting ALL that aside, and regardless of the film or director. I am just so sick of PREQUELS! They seem all the rage right now and sometimes they work, but mostly because you know where the overall story is going. Its really difficult to make a sequel that is better than the first movie, but even HARDER to make a prequel that grabs you as much as the first.
So, I know John already asked if you think a sequel was a good idea, but now considering it could possibly be a prequel, does that make you more interested or less?
I agree that the idea of prequelizing has become more of a trend recently, one that I feel will grow very weary and stigmatized like the “reboot trend”.
Anyways, as John already pointed out, it would be a good idea for Blomkamp to move on with another film that isn’t District 9. Quite possibly not even sci-fi (some speculate that they will pursue Halo again.. I don’t see that happening)”
In the interview which this post is actually referencing he says he has no interest in making Halo and would refuse if offered it. He also talks about how he has another SciFi idea (set on another planet in the distant future) and that will likely be his next film
every one I know wants to see the space ship come back and kick ass and save Wikus
And you replied to my post to state this point why?
Sorry, his post.
Woops! Early in the morning here, sorry.
“Anyways, as John already pointed out, it would be a good idea for Blomkamp to move on with another film that isn’t District 9. Quite possibly not even sci-fi (some speculate that they will pursue Halo again.. I don’t see that happening)”
In the interview which this post is actually referencing he says he has no interest in making Halo and would refuse if offered it. He also talks about how he has another SciFi idea (set on another planet in the distant future) and that will likely be his next film.
The sequel is the lesser of 2 evils. District 9 is perfect as a stand alone film, but alas the film’s success will guarantee another trip into that District. As much as I would want a sequel I know 9 times out 10 that it will never surpass the original. I don’t know because I thought Aliens was better than Alien, but eventually Hollywood milked that franchise to its death (Resurrection or AVP 2). Just hope they don’t milk this for all its worth.
Were there a lot of prequels out there before Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom?
I can’t think of any off hand.
Despite Temple of Doom technically being a prequel, I tend not to view it that way because of the episodic feel they were going with the pulp adventures of Indiana Jones. Jumping around in the character’s history and telling stories was common in pulp magazines.
That being said, I cannot think of any off hand either. But I can’t think of many that happened within 5 years of Temple either.
who cares how u look at it…..temple of doom was a prequal…..no way to rationalize it with “telling stories was common in pulp magazines”
How about a sidequal?
Or, y’know, just lettin the guy do something else…..
Ehhh…in my opinion…a prequel to this film would suck balls UNLESS they can somehow make it as exciting or even more so than District 9.
The thing that District 9 was able to do very well is start off by easing us into this ‘world’ with all these characters, all in the form of a mockumentary. But then it slowly started to change into a scifi action-adventure…
I just see the only way they’d do a prequel is using that mockumentary style…and I mean you can only take so much of it at a time. Or maybe it’s just me.
Okay lets put aside the fact that i fucking HATE prequels.
Why would you prequel a movie that ended so incompletely and that NEEDS a sequel so badly?
A prequel would be an AMAZING idea for D9 since they never showed the aliens landing, they just showed 20 years later. Great idea. But do it AFTER district 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some people lack the basic instinct of logic.
I don’t know Hazmat. I like your thinking in that they could/should show us what happens next, but I think it would be better played out (since they have three years) to show us what happened during the 20 years they were on Earth, and/or, how/why they came here.
Either way, I was impressed with D9, and with its success, and looking forward to whatever comes out of this, if indeed it becomes a franchise.
I think that what happens next and those 20 years equally deserve a movie.
I just want them to green light them ASAP, make it official now, that way I can breathe and begin the waiting game im currently playing with the Avengers, Kick-Ass and Batman 3
I don’t mind WHEN they do them, I just want them to make it official so i can relax.
I thought HALO was pretty much dead since the movie rights expired, or is it just wishful thinking. I say he moves on to other projects, not just sci-fi.