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Sherlock Holmes Trailer Online

By Rodney - May 18, 2009 - 18:21 America/Montreal

A Trailer has hit the net for Guy Ritchie’s take on Sherlock Holmes.

Downey is charming. The action looks good. And Rachel McAdams looks hot in lingerie. If there is a good plot, even better.



  1. HAZMAT says:

    This looks too weird…I dont know…I kinda expected it to be a little more serious…like the Prestige sorta…

  2. Federico says:

    is this based on some alternate sherlock holmes universe?

    • Rodney says:

      For the most part it is speculative interpretation, but it is generally accurate.

      Holmes was a pugilist and an expert fencer (but didn’t rely on them as much as his deductive reasoning) and Watson wasn’t just a lapdog.

  3. AARON says:

    It looks good, it’s got that great Downey comedic timing, especially at the end. Great action, McAdam’s in that lingerie, but I agree with Hazmat, it does look a little weird……but still good

  4. AARON says:

    Oh btw Hazmat, yes I expected more seriousness as well, kind of disappointing, but kind of good. As you can tell I really don’t know about this one but it still looks good to me.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Yeah, it looks goofy as shit

      The poster however, looks all dark and suspicious…like a detective movie.

  5. MEDavidson says:

    A little boring. A little predictable. I didn’t see a lot of “big” moments.

  6. War-Journalist says:

    A bit too action-packed for Holmes. And I’ll say it again: Holmes doesn’t carry a piece. Never has. That’s Watson’s department. Great comedy though. I expected the dialogue to be a dryer. I think it’s quite good how they have them working as a proper team. Good accent. And what’s with all this magic business? So far this trailer doesn’t make for a good Holmes movie overall, but hopefully it will live up to expectations.

    • methos says:

      “The Adventure of the Three Garridebs,” one of the RARE occasions where Holmes packs heat. ;-)

  7. DeMarreis says:

    Alright! This is gonna be awesome, I’ve seen all the old Sherlocks through the years, Basil Rathbone being the Best Hands Down. I have to say Downey is going to be up at the top of this list, if this trailer tells me anything ! Can not wait to see this!!!

  8. Marcelo says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but I thought this looked amazing.

    • methos says:

      I share your opinion. Although I do agree with Hazmat, and others, that the trailer came off as odd. Oddness aside, I’m excited to see this sucker!

    • EZELL says:

      I agree LOL

    • Erick says:

      Write Comment here. Before you do, review these rules:
      1) Stay on topic
      2) Disagree and debate, but no insulting other commenters or the author
      3) off topic messages for the author should be emailed directly, not left as a comment.

      Um, I totally agree. This looked rad!

  9. MandarinOrange says:

    I see some people saying that this isn’t serious enough or that it is too action packed for Holmes. This may be true, I can’t say as I have not read any books or seen any movies about him and only know of who he is based on reputation. However, in today’s cinema would a traditional action-dry, movie work? I don’t think so. I see this like star trek, just smaller. This may bring Holmes to the 21st century while still keeping him in the 19th. I think this looks good. Not a great epic movie, but a fun one that I would like to see.

  10. jonny says:

    ahahah i dont know about all you guys but i like the new idea more action pack……. Michael Bay

  11. Derek 8-Track says:

    hmm. I’m starting to think Downey can only do one character. a smug dude with great comedic timing. All my knowledge of Holmes comes from Data’s experience in the holodeck on TNG… I guess I just didn’t expect it to be this goofy, I expected pure seriousness. I think the comedy will make this a forgettable and unimportant film, much like The Brothers Grimm. I can’t even find a way to articulate why I feel that way. it’s just a feeling.

    • Rodney says:

      Then you might want to see more than 2 of his films.

      Just sayin.

    • Slushie Man says:

      Please actually WATCH some of his movies before making such an inaccurate statement, Derek.

      As for this, I think it looks fantastic, although I doubt it’ll beat out my favorite Holmes movie, Young Sherlock Holmes.

    • Derek 8-Track says:

      I’m a fan of Downey Jr.

      That’s a little harsh Rodney. Did I say I’ve only seen two of his movies?

      I was excited to see a change in character with The Soloist. It just didn’t happen.

      Look at his filmography… maybe its most prevalent in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and up. But if you look at all of his characters id say I’m pretty accurate. Around 3/4ths of his characters are “smug dude with great comedic timing.”

    • Derek 8-Track says:

      he’s said himself something along the lines about how he always has to keep his ego in check. All I’m saying is that ego filters through as smugness in his characters.

    • methos says:

      A lot of RDJ’s characters are weisenheimers, but he plays the part well and is always entertaining! ;-)

  12. Cinema-Phreak says:

    I liked it I don’t know what all the bitching is about…. It’s not supposed to be your grandfathers holmes. And it’s not supposed to be snatch 2.0 either. It looks good from what I can see so far.

  13. HDpunk says:

    this reminds me of will smith’s wild wild west

    • Cain says:

      I was thinking the exact same thing. And that’s not a good thing.

    • Dave the Blade says:

      I can’t agree with you more. I was expecting this trailer to show the same kind of “flair” that Ritchie brought to us in Lock Stock, Snatch & the like. What I’m getting from this trailer is a typical action/comedy movie that brings back bad memories of Wild Wild West & the even more cringe-worthy Shanghai Knights. Suffice to say I’m unsure about this one, though Downey appears to be in top form as per usual.

  14. BadRobot says:

    Looks like Guy Ritchie has done it again! ( I mean this in a good way)

  15. Jeremy K. says:

    I think this looks really entertaining and looking forward to seeing it. As somebody else mentioned, I to am a huge fan of Young Sherlock Holmes, that was a great movie. This one looks like it is going to be a roller coaster style of entertainment, lots of fun without the depth. I’d like to see another Holmes movie made some time that goes a little more dramatic, suspenseful, and darker, maybe directed by somebody like the Hughes brothers. The setting they created for From Hell would translate over really well into a Holmes movie. For the time being, I am looking forward to this telling of Holmes being released.

  16. Craig says:

    Looks pretty good but hard to say after Jr’s last movie the soloist was a complete bust. He is an excellent actor and the cast looks good but can they make this work? Is this going to be more serious or more humble? Also, interested in seeing how this stacks up against Will Ferrell’s version.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Well, if Will Farrel isn’t in the Will Farrel one, then I agree with you it will be interesting to see how the two stack up with each other. Otherwise, it’s hard to picture a Will Farrel movie stacking up to anything unless it is comparing how awfulness. That’s a biased view though, since I am not a Will Farrel fan; though I did like Stranger than Fiction.

      And I didn’t really get your “more serious or more humble” comment. Those are two things that tend to go hand in hand, not contradictions or opposites. More serious or more comical, though they can be done together, are opposites that better describe the possible state of a movie. Serious or humble does not, can you explain this? I like being educated. :D

  17. Kaneda979 says:

    LOL, this looks great. Can’t wait.

    I did expect it to be a little more serious, but I’m ok that it’s not, because it still looks like it’s going to be a really cool movie.

  18. methos says:

    Heck, lets enlist some voodoo magic and reanimate Basil Rathbone, the best Holmes ever! But I guess I’ll settle for RDJ. :-)

  19. shadess says:

    That looked pretty damn good. I’ve really been waiting for this movie and that trailer was even better than I was expecting it to be.

    …also, had no idea Mark Strong was in this and that was a nice surprise. He does a really convincing bad guy no matter what the movie is.

  20. Matt K says:

    DAMN!!!!!, Racheal McAdams looks pretty freakin hot in lingerie, and the movie itself looks to be entertaining.

  21. T-Vo says:

    I like it. Kinda reinventing him like the James Bond action hero of the 1800’s with a dash of Columbo mad detective skills.

  22. haole says:

    Looks like they have changed the character of Holmes quite a bit… time will tell if it works. All the Holmes I have, he has no interest in women at all and finds them a distraction. This seems a bit too Tony Stark, however this is just a trailer and getting handcuffed to the bed becomes why he gets jaded about women.

  23. elyas says:

    sherlock homes in movie? can’t wait to watch it.,

  24. Noah says:

    I’m not sure what to think of this. I love RDJ and Rachel McAdams but I don’t know… I was just expecting something a little more… Holmes-y.

  25. HDC47 says:

    That is totally UNACCEPTABLE!!!

  26. digitaldrew says:

    That Slow Mo fight scene looks very similar to the brad pitt fight in snatch. That was the best part of snatch.
    Looks funny and good.

  27. 3R!C says:

    Somebody is obviously obsessed with this website.

  28. The Film Yap says:

    I wasn’t sold either way. Looks fun and witty, but also plenty of room to fall flat on its face. Is that some sort of vampire plot?

  29. Rob says:

    Looks great (despite the fact that it’s a literary disgrace, but when did that ever stop Hollywood?) Explosions, oversized hammers, Rachel McAdams… seems like New Holmes has got it all.

    I wasn’t expecting Downey Jr.’s Gandalf impression, either.

  30. free online hidden object games says:

    Looks good! nice choice of actors.

  31. David Lopan says:

    This looks fantastic. I’m really excited to see this. I hope this becomes a blockbuster success. That way, he’ll get more freedom to maybe continue the rocknrolla story a little more.

  32. algoresnuts says:

    The only thing good about this trailer is Rachel McAdams. She is smokin’!

  33. AARON says:

    Actually he’s pretty cool

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