The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol. 16

Well, this is our first Audio Edition on the new server. Sweet. This week we talk about how great Richard is, Ben Affleck in the new Die Hard, Toy Story 3 without Pixar, Joss Wedon directing Wonder Woman, Moulin Rouge 2 and an whole lot more! Download the fun here.

  • Dutch

    This has to be one of your best Audios. Rambling, grousing, and more than a few hints to a Affleck Willis big budget porn feature. Imagine @$$ friendly cab ride with Ben and Bruce bouncing in the back seat with Samuel L. behind the wheel, adjusting the rear view mirror to catch all the hot action. Ok, now I’m rambling. Whedon on Wonder Woman, she is the trinity of the big 3 of DC. I have my doubts too. Still finding a furball from Catwoman lodged in my throat. As for Elektra……haven’t seen it so screw it. Whedon writes amazing for women. Let’s see what he can whip up from that golden lasso and braclets. You guys were in rare form this outing. Doug stay ill (just kidding) you were totally on a roll. Till next time, if you share your toys one word……..sterilize…

  • alan smithee

    sort of off topic…i really like your audio edition for my commute. but i can’t find the feed on your site that works with ipodder or doppler. are you podcasting your audio editions with the enclosure tag or am i just missing something? thanks

  • Richard

    Doug, very welcome to pop in by if you’re in the UK. There’s good comedy up here too. Same with you John!

    Many, many thanks for the good words guys. I was moved and touched…in so many ways! Seriously thanks, I hope I can keep it going and keep helping out.

    You never know, an internet audio? A pop in by on a snowboarding trip later this year…who knows!

  • Simone

    “This week we talk about how great Richard is”.

    John, you should have told us beforehand, I could have sent you some questions to ask Richard. LOL Peace Rich!

    I have to wait till I get home before I can download it though.