The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol. 11

Wow! January is almost over already!?!?! We are pleased to present to you Volume #11 of the continuing saga of the Audio Edition.

This week we get kinda geeky and discuss what we think should happen in X-Men 3, what comic book we would most like to see turned into a film, WWE films and a more discussion of Doug’s upcoming Oscar destined film “The Goats of Oden”. All that an much more. Enjoy.

  • Justin

    I’m a compulsive liar!

  • louis

    its bit of a waste of time downloading this issue unless your a guy called paul. i’ve really enjoyed the others editions, but this one was just one long bitch out on this guy. give it a rest, who care if his mate did agree with his coments.

  • Simone

    Another brilliant show guys! Luke is right, why is it just 20 minutes? Anyway…

    John has made a good point about what makes The Movie Blog such an enjoyable site to be in, this is regarding the “conversation” that ensues in most of the topics despite some of us disagreeing. I find it actually refreshing that despite these disagreements, the site still attracts these posters and just get on with it. There are other blog sites out there that get so personal and uses foul language to get their messages across, I mean, what was that all about? Its great that some of us exercise restraint and that’s what makes Movie Blog habitues really kewl.

    John, Richard, Miles and Doug: Keep up the great work!

  • Luke

    Two thoughts (I love lists):

    1. Thanks for keeping the bitrate down. We unfortunate dialup-ers love it.
    2. If you have time, could you pleeeeeease make the Audio Edition longer than 20 mins? They just keep getting better and better and I dread them wrapping up each time.