Since The Movie Blog is not a news site, but rather an opinion site, it works best when people start sharing their own opinions on the topics and issues at hand and create a dialog. Debating, sharing hidden gems, getting different points of view and just general good chat.
However, the comments section on The Movie Blog is not an open forum to talk about anything in any manner you please. There are rules for commenting, and breaking those rules can result in the comments being edited, deleted or with the banning of the commenter. Here are the simple rules for commenting on The Movie Blog:
1) Stay on target
If the topic of the post is Spider-Man 4 casting Pauly Shore as the new Spider-Man, then share your thoughts and opinions on that topic… not how awesome the new Xbox remote works.
2) Show respect to the people you are having the conversation with
You are encouraged to express whatever opinion you have about the given topic at hand. Think George Lucas is a douche (personal I like him)? You’re free to say so… HOWEVER… conduct the conversation you’re having with the other readers with respect. For example:
If you’re discussing a George Lucas topic, and you don’t agree with something another commenter or the author of the post said, then intelligent people say…
“I disagree with you when you say (OPINION A), because (REASONS 1, 2 and 3)…”
An idiot with the intellectual capacity of a 5 year old says:
“You’re stupid if you think that”
One response adds to the discussion and the debate, the second response doesn’t add anything of value to the conversation at all and will probably be deleted.
3) Avoid major spoilers
That’s obvious. If a movie just came out in theaters please don’t reveal major plot points, it’s just not cool
So engage, discuss, share, debate, disagree and enjoy yourselves, but just follow the simple rules. It’s really not that hard.