The upcoming Star Trek sequel recently lost its release date and has been removed from Paramount’s release slate. The rebooted film franchise began in 2009 with the aptly named film, Star Trek. Subsequent films in the series include Star Trek: Into Darkness and Star Trek: Beyond. The series starred Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Anton Yelchin, John Cho, Simon Pegg and Karl Urban. Based off the beloved Original Series, the new series of films follow Captain James T Kirk and his crew on their missions aboard the USS Enterprise.
The follow up to Star Trek: Beyond has lost its December 23, 2023 release date and has been completely removed from Paramount’s release slate. The film has been in development hell for a while and this may spell doom for the beloved franchise. The untiled sequel was originally supposed to be directed by Matt Shakman, but the director exited the project a month ago. Other than that we know very little about the project and it appears as though it may not be happening at all.
This is sad news for Star Trek fans. The rebooted series was great and really captured a modern take on a classic show. Chris Pine was an awesome Captain Kirk and the ensemble cast was also excellent. I would love to see them again in another adventure, but based off this news, it seems like that is unlikely. Maybe Paramount will just push back the release date, but if that was the case then they would have done that. Removing it completely from the slate gives the message that the movie is not happening. They still need to find a director and we don’t even know if there is a script yet. Sadly, it looks like we won’t be boldly going anywhere any time soon.