Logan Lucky Trailer Reaction

Logan Lucky

Checking out this trailer for Logan Lucky, the new comedy starring Channing Tatum and Adam Driver, is likely to make hump day a bit better. I got this trailer in my inbox the other day and at first glance I dismissed it. It reminded me of too many hillbilly comedies we’ve seen in the past. Then, while giving it another look, I noticed something that stood out. A name. A name that has earned my attention time and time again. Steven Soderbergh. So, I clicked. And then I hit record. And then this happened:


I thought it was interesting but it just didn’t clinch my curiosity. The movie seems fairly predictable and I worry that the best laughs were shared in the trailer… but then there’s that name… Idunno. I’m gonna chew on this for a while before I put this one on the radar. What do you guys think?

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer |Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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