Vampire Academy Trailer

Based on the 2007 best-selling novel Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters is due for release early next year. Last month we shared with you the awesome motion poster (link below) and now we bring you the official trailer…yeahhh!



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Rose Hathaway is a Dhampir: half human/vampire, guardians of the Moroi, peaceful, mortal vampires living discretely within our world. Her legacy is to protect the Moroi from bloodthirsty, immortal Vampires, the Strigoi. This is her story.











Source: Yahoo! Movies via, Weinstein Company




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About Andrea Lestrange

I love to write about different types of film - from blockbusters, to indies, and documentaries. I enjoy exploring and discussing different themes and angles, with a light-hearted edge to keep things fun. I am based in London, and currently looking to pursue a career in the film industry.

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