Tom Cruise stars in Oblivion, an original and groundbreaking cinematic event from the director of TRON: Legacy and the producer of Rise of the Planet of the Apes. On a spectacular future Earth that has evolved beyond recognition, one man’s confrontation with the past will lead him on a journey of redemption and discovery as he battles to save mankind.
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nice to see tom in sci-fi movie
I don’t care what what anybody says about Tom Cruise. The man knows how to choose projects. I’m excited for this one.
Mark Bridge I’ve been thinking the same thing lately. He’s made a strong effort to re-gain fans from our lil nook in the movie world. Jack Reacher, Mission Impossible, Rock of Ages all seem like roles that the man genuinely sees as… “fun”.
Either way, I like the development with regard to his role selection.
Anthony_TMB Mark Bridge
I’ve generally liked Tom Cruise’s movies, despite knowing he’s a bit of a wack job in real life. I’m still pulling for the guy.
It’s hard for me to concentrate on reading, what with all loud cricket chirping around here.
I’m allowing myself to look forward to this movie - just a bit.
@JamesM I’m with you. The lack of conversation is downright confounding.