— Robert Duvall as Lt. Col. Bill Kilgore from Apocalypse Now, 1979
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July 18, 2011
NBC and Universal Pass on The Dark Tower
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The joint venture of NBC and Universal Studios to bring Stephen King’s Dark Tower series to life with Ron Howard producing a combination of feature films and TV Series have fallen to the wayside. The project is officially dead. Fused Film shares: So while both parties involved are not saying, it is looking like it was just too big of a project to make happen. Considering its narrow market appeal and undeniably massive udertaking this would have required is it really any surprise that they backed down. Despite the popularity of Stephen King’s works, even this would have a hard time finding a broad audience. The whole series is a tough swallow and treads on some strange grounds. A testament to King’s creativity, however not the easiest story to market as a feature film or TV series. Earlier this year Mountains of Madness (the HP Lovecraft horror) was axed purely because of its limited market and big budget. Speculation says the same of Dark Tower. TV series’ that are just getting modest reviews are canceled on a whim. Studios are not willing to take these kinds of chances without a homerun. Sad that Dark Tower never got a chance at bat. This post was written by :
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