Lin wants Sarah Connor Back For Terminator 5. Good Luck On That

Just when it was about time to let sleeping dogs lie, it’s time to bring back The Terminator franchise. It’s most likely a money thing, but y’know, you have to wonder when Justin Lin ponders putting Sarah Connor back into the Poloroid.

The good resistance leaders at Den Of Geek gives us the intel:

[Justin Lin] chatted about the character of Sarah Connor, and early signs are that she might be primed for a return. “I mean, I’ve always been surprised how, in part 3, she was just like… It was like one line and she was gone,” he said.

He then added, though, “But I think the great thing about this franchise is you have… You can actually have different canons because you have the element of time travel. So, there’s a way of kind of respecting all the works but also able to create a new time line.”

I agree that Sarah being deceased by T3’s story was a bit of a sour note for me too. I agree that I got a bit hooked on the TV series which negated the T3 timeline due to time travel retcon. That’s how Lin will bring Sarah back from the grave as well. He also hopes Arnold Schwarzenegger will be a part…

and yes, the green Earth shakes under my feet as I am bammin’ my brains out against the nearest wall…

Time to call it a day.
Really. There is nothing left to be said. There is nothing left to see. I would have been slightly interested where the TV show was going (aside from being jerked around and having commerical breaks every five minutes) but that’s due to me warmin’ up to Shirley Manson.

But that’s it. It’s the end.

Hasta La Vista, Baby.

Chime in, Int’l friends.

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

  • Peter C. Krieger

    Had T:S been about the WAR AGAINST THE MACHINES it would have been good. Instead it was about milking the movie-going public without any real entertainment value.
    If Sarah Connor shows up as a cameo, GREAT. If Ahnuld makes a BRIEF appearance as something other than a T800 (you know, to add some DEPTH to the storytelling) that would be IDEAL.
    The next Terminator installment should make ‘Saving Private Ryan’ look like an episode of Tom & Jerry. Non-stop, heart-pounding action with PLAUSIBLE outcomes (no white hat wipeouts).
    If those principles do not underpin the next movie it will not be worth watching…
    Just my two cents…

  • Marc Vun Kannon

    There is at least one way to finalize the franchise and give the whole story a happy ending. I know because I came up with it. If there’s one there’re more. The only thing keeping the story going at this point is the film-maker’s desire to keep the story going.

  • nothernboi

    It’s always interesting to see how directors incorporate the original actors into their script, this is no different. Usually their fans of the originals and never want to mess it up. Let’s hope this is the case!

  • Faruk

    I love Sarah Conner. I want to see her for Terminator.

  • kingl

    at least show them creating the t-1000 and the terminatrix if they are going to make more

  • Paul

    I just want the story to continue, I wat more & more Terminators.

  • Bigsampson

    must have missed the part where the series is about time travel Darren…

    • Darren

      No, Big Sam. I didn’t. And that’s my point. It’s going back and covering old ground…and the fact that the TV series already done it. So, in essence, what happens here? Only one answer: they do it again.

  • Lawrence

    I don’t mind having Linda Hamilton back for another Terminator movie, even after a 20-year hiatus (1991’s Terminator 2) . The question is will she be interested?