— Billy Crystal as Mitch Robbins from City Slickers, 1991
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June 7, 2011
Cherry 2000 Remake to star Griffith’s Daughter?
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Melanie Griffith once starred in a late 80s post apocalyptic sci fi B Movie called Cherry 2000, and now it looks like they are remaking this forgotten cheese factory. Producer Ed Pressman reached out to some of the original cast including Melanie Griffith, who suggested that he hire her daughter Dakota Johnson (from her marriage to Don Johnson) to play the role she once had. GeekTyrant shares the film premise: And just in case this B-Classic is completely unknown to the International Friends, here is the trailer for the original. Now its not Griffith’s job to cast this film, but it just might be an inspired choice. Aside from the instant publicity that this would instantly gain casting the relative unknown - by promoting she is related to the original star. Dakota Johnson was most recently seen breifly in The Social Network, as one of Justin Timberlake’s one night stands, and in Beastly with Vanessa Hudgens and Alex Pettyfer. This post was written by :
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