Captain America’s History on an Infographic

With Captain America storming the Boxoffice this weekend and people raving about the film (well mostly) I thought this would be an appropriate time to share this infographic that gives a little history into the source material and film history of the Star Spangled Super Soldier.

Click image to enlarge
Captain America Infographic
Via: Military VA Loan

That shares an awful lot of information all at once. Pretty impressive stuff honestly.

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About Rodney

who has written 8882 posts on The Movie Blog


    Nola, those “power ratings” were created back in the day superheroes were “realistic” men, compared to average men that scored 1 star (if I’m not mistaken).

  • M

    Good job

  • NoLa

    There’s no way those “Power Ratings” are accurate…

  • Andrew C

    Interesting stuff! Did you see the movie Rodney? If so, what’d you think?