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February 11, 2011

Captain America 2 is being written

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

No big surprise to anybody who’s been following the movie, but Marvel has commissioned Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus to begin working on the first treatment for a sequel to Captain America: The first Avenger.

Via: Latino Review

Stephen McFeely & Christopher Markus, the screenwriters who penned “CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER” just got hired to write the sequel for Marvel Studios!

Obviously the sequel is going to be present day and take place after THE AVENGERS.

Wait, a contemporary Captain America story? Awesome. Not a big surprise since movies scripts are commissioned everyday and doing so begins the long, arduous process of producing a movie. This can take years to reach the finish line and become a film and will undoubtedly undergo re-writes before what’s penned goes to film. I really hope they aim to include some cameo’s from their other movie franchises, and more importantly I hope that they develop Bucky into The Winter Soldier.

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  • Darren

    It really depends on how the first film opens. Right now, the recent buzz over last week’s superbowl trailer was among the top three highest ranked. But I cannot share your enthusism for Winter Soldier. I would have more inters in Cap give up his ‘America’ name for a bit time (either just called ‘Captian” or use the Nomad name) and Jim Walker be involved in the plot somehow (becoming US Agent near the end)

    I also would not mind Ultimate Falcon (who is a SHIELD agent) somewhere in a follow up film.

    Better yet

    A set up for Civil War- and this could be where Frank “Punisher” Castle comes in!

    As for heavies, an updated Batroc - just for the sake of having shameless parkour and savate!

  • knossis

    In the 2nd one I think they should show Steve dealing with an aged Bucky Barnes who has married his old flame from WW2. The Ultimate comics version did this and it was touching. It showed how much he had lost while frozen and it was nice to see the awe in which Bucky saw Cap now.

  • http://none Lawrence

    Winter Soldier storyline already for part 2?

  • 420BAND

    How bout a full lengh trailer?

    that’ll suffice while they start on the 2nd one

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