Trailer #2: Battleship

Posted by on 09. 12. 2011in News Chat

I’m really confused about this Battleship movie. It’s a movie based on a board game that doesn’t contain any semblance of a narrative whatsoever. As such I had expectations preeeetty low for this movie but maintained a bit of interest mainly due to the involvement of Liam Neeson. All that died down on sight of the first trailer but the folks behind the movie refuse to give up and have introduced another.

Via: THR

Is this Independence Day 2 in disguise? Transformer 4? I just don’t know about this movie. My inner geek wants to implode due to all the ‘splosions and CGI Robot thingies blowin stuff the hell up, but my gut tells me to maintain apprehension at the very sight, and voice, of the films’ insistence to include pop singer Rihanna in its cast.

Musicians typically don’t transition well into the world of acting unless they spend a few years learning the craft. As an artist myself I know it’s possible to transition into other forms of art it’s just that I’m skeptical that Rihanna took the time to do any due diligence. Hopefully her screen time is minimal and I’ll be able to judge this movie based on everything else, but her pretty eyes are distracting reminder to ‘beware’. Aside from that the movie looks decent, in this trailer, and I’m more open to seeing more for this movie than I had in the past. I’ll keep an eye out for news and share any new info that comes along.

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7 Responses to “Trailer #2: Battleship”

  1. Col Hans Landa SS says:

    Usually I’d provide examples and reasoning, but only one thing needs to be said:

    This looks whack…

  2. Kermblod says:

    Transforming alien robots… because a suspense film about the different and yet parallel lives of naval cadets stationed on opposing battleships during wartime would just be too far-fetched.

  3. James says:

    This just reminds me of a Transformers movie at sea.

  4. Ben Dover says:

    I saw the first trailer for this movie when i went to see Killer Elite. Personally, I’m not too phsyced about this movie. I am, however, intersted to see how Rhianna will do.

  5. Carlos says:

    I hope they do Chutes and Ladders next, because I want to see what the zombies look like!

  6. Jfrid says:

    I just want to know why in hell the Japanese are using their old Imperial flag in the trailer?

  7. Pianot says:

    The concept is from Hasbro so expect a toy line,

    This actually looks good, at last Hollywood is looking out side of the box.

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