Hunger Games Director Short List and Chloe Morentz as Katniss?

There is finally movement on the proposed Hunger Games movie that has been in radio silence almost since the rights were bought to be made into a feature film. Now as the young adult series author Suzanne Collins has finished the screenplay herself and we are on a deadline to announce the director. Gary Ross, Sam Mendes and David Slade are all up for the gig.

And it looks like the shortlist for their star Katniss Everdeen has only one name on it. Chloe Moretz! says:

According to Deadline, there are three directors in the running to adapt the first book: Gary Ross (Pleasantville), Sam Mendes (American Beauty), and David Slade (30 Days Of Night). And the director will be chosen by the end of this week. The movie’s script is done — it was written by novelist Suzanne Collins herself, with a rewrite by Billy Ray.

As for who will play the all-important role of Katniss Everdeen, USA Today says there’s only one name on the shortlist: Chloe Moretz, who’s kind of cornered the market on dangerous girls lately by playing Hit-Girl in Kick-Ass and Abby in Let Me In.

I like the idea of David Slade who is no stranger to popular book adaptations recently handling Eclipse. But if he takes on the job, he will have to pull out of directing Wolverine 2. I think he might be a better fit here.

I couldn’t agree more that Chloe Moretz would be perfect for this role. Clearly she will have to toss aside the fair locks in favour of some darker hair tones but a wonderful special effect called hair dye is all she will need to nail this role.

She is a solid actress and I can easily see her as Katniss in this.

I am a big fan of the series and just started reading the third book Mockingjay which was just released last month.

  • bernard

    i vote for Hailee Seinfeld for Katniss. She got all the looks of Katniss Everdeen.

  • Jaclyn

    I haven’t seen Kick Ass but as one commenter said, I could see her (just from looks) as Prim. I would imagine someone with a bit more muscle (to hold up for all her hunting and carrying it back), as well as someone hwo would be able to blend in but be light enough to climb trees.

  • Eliza

    NO!!! NO!!! She is too girly and too young to play Katniss and she deffinetly isn’t my choice for this role cuz then i would be better Katniss than her and I’m just 12!!!

  • Jenny

    I DO NOT think that Chloe should pay Katniss’ part in the movie. She’s a wonderful actess, but Katniss is not girly. She’s the man in the house, and Chloe was seems like she wouldn’t fit the part.