The Thing to be Completely CG In Fantastic Four Reborn

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 07. 2010in News Chat

I didn’t hate the latest incarnation of Fantastic Four on film. For at least half of them I thought the roles were cast well. Susan Storm was terrible and Doom could have been more intimidating. And lets not talk about Galactus the little black raincloud. Johnny Storm and Reed were perfectly cast, as was Chiklis for The Thing. His gruff demeanor was perfect for the character. But physically I just thought he wasn’t exactly what The Thing should have been. This guy was supposed to be Hulk Scale.

Seems Fox’s people in charge of the reboot feel the same way and are going with a completely CG Thing in the reboot.

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now comes word from Fox’s SFX department (via ScreenRant) that The Thing will be 100% CG in the upcoming “Fantastic Four” reboot, called “Fantastic Four Reborn.”

I really like the idea that they would make Thing CG as it gives him a bigger presence. They will not be limited by the measly stature of a man to illustrate the monstrosity that the Thing has become.

I have a feeling that we will look back on the existing Fantastic Four movies and the once impressive Chiklis Thing will look pathetic in comparison.

I just hope the effects of the other three are as impressive.

Fox wont start working on the FF reboot until after X-Men First Class is done. First Class starts filming this fall.

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Rodney who has written 7893 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “The Thing to be Completely CG In Fantastic Four Reborn”

  1. cloud720 says:

    According to the bios, Thing is 6 feet and Hulk is 7 to 8 feet. Hulk is over 1000 pounds of muscle and thing is 500 pounds of rock.

    It seems like the thing should be the size of a man plus a padded suit.

    Chiklis isnt 6 feet, maybe thats the problem

  2. Danny says:

    As long as they still cast Chiklis to voice him I’m game.

  3. Derek 8-Track says:

    what does “reborn” mean to this movie? is it a reboot sequel, Like Superman Returns/Star Trek?

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