Star Wars TV Series? Still Writing

Its been over 3 years since we first heard that George Lucas was planning a live action Star Wars TV series that would focus on lesser known characters in the gap between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.

Well with inklings of rumours, a LucasFilm rep has come out to talk about where the series stands right now. They are writing. That’s all.

Fused Film says:

The Untitled Star Wars Series is apparently still in the scripting stage and the production date won’t be set until all of the first season scripts have been finished – this according to a Lucasfilm rep.

“They are working with writers on scripts,” a Lucasfilm representative said in response to a query. “They won’t set a production date [for Season 1] until the scripts are done.”

No casting will be done until scripting stage is done as well. Last March there was a rumor that casting had been done on the series but that turned out to not be true.

“They met with people in several countries (including Australia) early on but they are not currently casting. They are not going to start casting until the scripts are completed,” said the LucasFilm rep.

I have been holding my breath on this one for a really long time now, and I completely understand not moving forward on anything until the script is done.

The series sounds like it could be great if handled well (ie: Not George directing) and it looks like having a team of writers is the best way to go…

But honestly? How long does it take to write one season full of stories?? Sure, we want them to get it right, so lets bang it out already. I could gather 10 of the most talented writers I know, sit in a room for a week 8 hrs a day and have the whole season laid out and done.

Why is this taking so long?

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18 Responses to “Star Wars TV Series? Still Writing”
  1. Andrew says:

    To quote Sean Connery from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: “Let it go.” That’s what I want to say to George Lucas whenever he talks something new for Star Wars. Now, I think that he has done good work in other areas outside of Star Wars, and I must be one of the only people who loved the new Indiana Jones movie, and I would like to see him fullfill his original promise to make five Indiana Jones movies (just one more to go in that department) or that Red Tails movie that we keep hearing about. Just let Star Wars die gracefully, George. At least then I can at least hunt down VHS copies of the original unaltered trilogy to go with the brand-new altered special edition trilogy he made.

  2. 420BAND says:

    Got em.

    As long as it’s a Han Solo Storyline I’m in!

    • Rodney says:

      Not that its done writing, but they were pretty clear that this would be unknowns in a side story that wont affect the Star Wars characters.

      I would imagine a cameo from characters will happen, but unlikely the show will be about Han.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      I don’t think Han Solo would be in it. Chewbacca could cameo, maybe even Ackbar before he was The General. (“It’s A Trap!!”-ROTJ) or (the death of) Jar Jar Binks.

  3. Josh says:

    I was at Celebration III in 2005 when GL announced the live action series. From what he said back then, the live action show should have been on the air already. I do know that they want to write the entire arc before filming begins and recently I read that Lucas is exploring some newer technology using digital SLR cameras to film the show.

  4. 420BAND says:

    WTF? My Han Solo fan-fetsh is still on hold?

  5. 420BAND says:

    (sorry, cant let it go)

    I say make a series with Han and Chewy, following their vast intergallactic smuggling adventures and have some guest aliens tag along from time to time. Have a Greedo episode where for instance, showing how they came to that infamous moment in the cantina? Were they fightin’ over some alien poon-tang before things went sour?, Did Han accidently eat some space-shrooms and not realizing, think he shot first?, How doe’s Chewy trim his ball-fro when he prepares for a date?

    I could go on But you get where I’m going?


    • Kaneda979 says:

      I agree, a Han Solo story line, or at least him being in part of the story would be awesome.

      But, even if he doesn’t make it in, at least you’ll get to play as a Smuggler in the new Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO. The class/character’s story line is suppose to be very Han Solo-isk. ;)

    • Andrew C. says:

      I heartily disagree with you, 420BAND.
      They should NOT use Han Solo again in the series because Harrison Ford should be the ONLY person who plays Solo. He IS that role.
      I just can’t see anyone else doing it…

  6. Kaneda979 says:

    It might be taking forever because ol’ George is being really picky about things. You know how he is.

    Last I heard George is set to direct the entire first season. But that’s also really old news, so it’s very likely to have changed since then.

  7. Darren J Seeley says:

    I can’t say this is accurate, but I ‘ll put in my best guess as to why this is taking so long.
    Think about how writing staffs work on other TV series (regardless of genre). Here you have a situation where:

    - No actors around to read lines and/or contribute.

    - No idea what the ratings/fanbase is (or will be) like.

    - No contributions/input from directors.

  8. 420BAND says:

    They used River Phoenix(the good Phoenix) as a young Indy and that went down smooth, Dont get me wrong, I KNOW that Ford owns that role. but with all the prequels,Clone Wars cartoons (bad animation IMO-Lucas arts for some reason cant come close to the animation of say….Pixar.)and so-on what is generally lacking from all those is HAN F’N SOLO! he was the guy to root for, the guy with the comedic elements, and the Hero type all in one. and not to mention he shagged the Princess! Star Wars without him and his trusted Wookie sidekick are what made it what it was………..Awesome Fun!..and now it just isn’t what it is anymore, no matter how many jedi you introduce, no matter how many clones,Jango-Boba Fetts you throw at me, no matter how many different takes on this one great empire of sci-fi are created……..without Han and Chewie it’s just another STAR TREK/WARS RIPOFF…(I hope I didn’t overdo it there but I’m a passionate person)

    May the force be with you

    • Rodney says:

      Its not a Star Wars or trek ripoff. Its the same people who made the original. How can they “rip it off”

  9. 420BAND says:

    correction: Star Wars without him and his trusted Wookie sidekick isn’t as magical, they are what made it what it was………..Awesome Fun!..

    there thats better.

  10. bigsampson says:

    there is only one reason why its taking so long.

    lucas and all his cohorts are already rich and they can take there sweet ass time sitting around trying to make george happy. in the long run this is what killed the last 3 movies (as seen in the documentry about making it). The longer lucas has his chronies kissing his ass and spending there day trying to make a joke for lucas to laugh at near the water cooler…the more i am hesitant to watch this. If you cant see that lucas has made himself think he is a messiah then your blind. This is a franchise that needs to break directions fom creator IMO.

  11. 420BAND says:

    Rip off meaning the same stuff regurgitated and packaged as “FRESH” AND “NEW” bringing “B” characters into the light.

    That’s what I meant.

    (kinda overdid it w/ the rant though)

    Bottom line” Han F’n Solo!

  12. 420BAND says:


    Did anyone catch Lucas sittin’ in the front row at the golden globes?

    Fuckin’ Dude looks Like Jabba the Hut!

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