A new trailer for The Last Airbender is online and we have it here for you to check out:
I am not a fan of the TV series, but I have seen a couple episodes and have a pretty decent grasp on what its about. The teaser trailer made me want to see more, now I want to see it just out of curiosity instead of wonder.
This just plays out like there is an epic story being told with children saving the world. Maybe as an adult that’s harder for me to grasp, but I doubt this film is geared to impress the parents.
The action and effects look good, and I will be giving this a shot. I just found that this first trailer didnt get me more excited than the first one.
I am looking forward to this. I was a fan of the show, which was very well done, especially given other “kid” shows out there currently. It had a flowing story and with the exception of one or two hiccup shows, the plot was well driven. My only hope is that this film trilogy they are starting with this film will mimic that plot driven world.
Agreed. And Rodney, there’s a lot in Avatar: The Last Airbender for adults to enjoy — my entire family loves it. (I was just a teen back when the show came out, though, so maybe I’m biased?) It really is top-notch storytelling for a kids’ show. I’m very excited for this. It already looks way better than “The Happening” ever did. Being as that was the only Shyamalan film I didn’t care for, I think I’ll end up liking it. Not as much as the show, maybe, but it looks pretty cool.
The trailer music is off. I can’t wait for more of James Newton Howard’s score (which we heard in the first teaser). Maybe for the final full trailer?
Avatar, in my opinion, was one of the best american animated show of the last years. That and all the Justice League stuff. I loved it, sure there was some boring filler episodes but most of the time it was great. Great action, great story and great animation. Anyway I’m really looking forward to seeing this and I hope this will make me forget the Happening.
i am looking foward to this. i thought dev patel was really good in slumdog, so i am happy to see him in this. it looks visually good, and im hoping “shamhammer” delivers on this one. fingers crossed.
First teaser they released was perfectly crafted I say (as an advertisement). The soundtrack was mainly what added that epic over-the-top feel…gave you goosebumps.
But the trailers so far, that have been showing us bits of the story, are making it look and sound less and less compelling.
Still looks awesome to me. I just hope the kid playing the main character does a good job.
I have to agree with you on this one. The new trailer makes the movie look to “extravagant” let’s say. The first trailer got me excited but I have to say that after seeing this one, I’m not so sure if I want to possibly waste 2 hours of my life with it.
its pretty much the same trailer. just with like 2 new scenes. and like 2 new lines of dialog. maybe the music isn’t as epic as the last trailer…
but the series is a nickelodeon tv series. its suppose to be geared toward kids. and yes, the children in the series actually do save the world in the series. OOOO, Spoiler alert…
Its a epic kid/tween/teen/ young adult flick, what are you gonna do.
3 words I think we all know:
(to qoute a “Mike Myers character”)
Talk among yourselves (yiddish accent)
Jesus, man, at least get his name right :-S
It’s “M. Night Shyamalan”.
I’m proud of my heritage :-P
Sorry, just can’t get past written, produced, and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. I have never seen the TV show, but the trailers look boring and cheesey. Perhaps if I knew the characters I might be more excited, but the trailer looks like a train wreck to someone who has never seen the show. I genuinely hope it is a good movie for the many fans of the show, but Shyamalan has reached his 3 strikes with me, and unless the word of mouth is hugely favorable, I will be a passing on The Last Airbender.
I have only liked 2 of Shyamalan’s movies Sixth Sense and Unbreakable.
Signs was poorly paced and badly written.
Lady in the Water was indulgent crap that even Paul Giamatti couldn’t save.
The Village was totally predicatable and boring.
I never bothered with The Happening, because of how bad the trailers made it look, and then how bad word of mouth was.
I also stopped watching after The Village.
I SUPPOSE since this is an adaptation and not a “look at me I’m so clever” movie Shyamalan MIGHT bring out something good, but I will also be waiting until I am actually recommended to watch it before I do.
Didn’t see the Happening?
you basically missed out on people running from the wind! and a guy who say he likes hot dogs.
there you go….saved you a rental!
it was so bad that John Legizamo tried to commit suicide by cuttin’ his wrists with broken glass……it’s in the movie!
Well that was kind of unspectacular.
Jeez, I’m still gonna see this because I’m a BIG fan of the TV show, but I’m a little worried about this film.
KATARA AND SOKA ARE NOT WHITE. As a fanboy, I’m very annoyed by this.
Aang does look a little too young, but I might let that slide. And this trailer makes it look so dramatic; the show had a lot of humor in it, It wasn’t so serious like this trailer makes it seem. I hope they manage to pull this off…
They are not ANYTHING. This doesn’t take place on earth and is not any particular earth culture.
Skin colour means nothing with fictional characters that are of fictional cultures. No matter what they are inspired by or are similar to, its NOT earth.
Rodney, I understand where Andrew is coming from. The character dress in last airbender is of asian style and the world in which the characters live are all heavily influenced by east asian culture. That most of characters have asian names would suggest that they were asian.
So maybe skin color has nothing to do with fictional characters with fictional cultures (although its quite obvious its heavily influenced from east asian culture), but to stay somewhat faithful to the source, it would seem that casting asians for those parts would seem ideal. After all, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, why hire a penguin to play a duck?
One last thing, would you have a problem with Superman being cast with an asian oe black actor? After all Superman is not of earth and truly is not of any particular earth culture influenced or other. Yet, I guarantee you there would be a public outcry and uproar if the actor portraying Superman were not caucasian.
Ah, the Superman approach. Read the comics. Jor-El specifically sent his son to Earth because of the similarities in their appearance. He also specifies that he will be landing in Kansas, where he most resembles earth.
Earth/Kansas was chosen for looking like Kal-El not the other way around.
And there is no Earth in The Last Airbender. While clearly influenced by those cultures, this is NOT Asians. If it walks like an Asian, dresses like an Asian and even looks kinda Asian… BUT ISNT ASIAN, then why would it matter?
Rodney, I’ll be honest I am a little dissapointed that asian actors are not featured more prominantly in this movie. It just seems almost disinginous for the movie to rely so heavily on asian names, themes and culture, yet not cast accordingly.
I dont know alot about Superman lore. I do know that Superman is an alien whos appearance resembles a human. The last time I checked african americans and asians believe it or not do exist in Kansas. Americans are of all races not just caucasian. :)
Appearance is a relative term. for all we know to an alien all humans look fairly similar. And with so many movie reboots and updates and retellings of the Superman mythos it wouldnt be farfetched that an humanoid alien resembled something other than a white caucasian male, would it?
Does it ever specifically state in The Superman lore that Superman was a white caucasian male? He may have been adopted by caucasians, dressed like a caucasian, ate like a caucasian, etc… BUT ISNT CAUCASIAN. So, would it really matter if an asian or black actor were cast as Superman?
And last you checked wasnt in 1938 where the better part of Kansas was white middle American farmers. Just sayin.
And yes, it does state in Superman lore that he was white, as the first appearance of Superman in a publication was a comic book where he was clearly drawn as such.
Are the Airbender characters drawn to be a specific race? Mostly. But not exclusively. People use that argument (poorly) all the time. Fictional characters that do not have their race as a specific part of their story I have no issue with them changing the race on. Last Airbender is strongly Asian influenced, but the characters are not specifically Asian at all.
Black Panther is required to be Black. Part of his story is that he is an African prince of Wakanda. Can’t change that without changing his story. Kingpin was a massive intimidating man of influence - Michael Clark Duncan was all those things. Didnt matter that he was black.
The characters of Last Airbender are not specifically Asian, and their actors don’t need to be either. You assume they are and therein lies your concern. Your perception.. not the written character being adapted.
This discussion has been repeated a DOZEN times on this site and everytime someone blindly says that because the Asian toons with big round eyes and tanned skin look Asian to them, it should be an Asian actor. Because no white person could have darker skin and round eyes right?
Read a little TMB History:
I didnt mention 1938 because I didnt know that was when the comic started. However, all the movies and tv shows nowadays have been modernized and updated to the present. I doubt any reboots or retellings would begin from 1938 these days… so I dont think it would be that farfetched that an actor of another ethnicity could pull of the role of Superman today.
The round toon eyes, skin color.. therefore needs to be an asian actor is not my argument. I never mentioned it. However, by that same argument, how do you tell from a comic book drawing that someone is clearly caucasian? especially when he is an alien? Because no other ethnicity could possibly represent an alien with pale skin and caucasian comic book eyes?
I feel that a movie that relies so heavily on asian themes and culture is somewhat disingenuous when the only asian actors cast are those in background and secondary roles. Whereas all the prominant roles are portrayed by non asians. Basically asians do exist in this world heavily influenced by asian themes and culture but only as background noise, and ambiance, interesting…
How do you tell from a drawing that they are Asian then?
Superman, in visuals and in text said he was placed in middle America for his strong resemblance to the population there.
And the most recent (and best in my opinion) Superman was Hispanic. I dont contend it cannot be done, but I doubt it would work if he were black.
Last Airbender does not have specifically Asian characters and it doesn’t matter that the actors are not. These actors look the part, so what’s the big deal.
Rodney, Im glad that you can accept that an actor of another ethicity can portray Superman. It just seemed like a double standard that you would so vehemently defend that Superman, could only be caucasion but at the same time had no problem with caucasian actors portraying characters generally thought of as non caucasian.
I still disagree that Superman could not work with a black actor. Like I said earlier with updates and retellings of the Superman story, as an infant, Superman could just as likely have been found by a couple of any ethnicity from the side of the road. And these days its quite normal for a couple of one ethnicity to adopt a child of another.
It was always my impression that Superman’s father intended Superman to be not only a hero and protector of America, but all of Earth. The fact that Supermans father sent him to such a culturally and ethnically diverse place as America by design only adds to the evidence that Superman could have the appearance of any type of human that exists in the world. So really it wouldnt matter what ethnicity the actor portraying Superman was today.
But my point all along was that if a movie like that actually happened there would be massive public outcry and calls for boycott. In the same way but to a much lesser extent as people are complaining about Last Airbender and other films where the characters are generally thought of as an ethnicity other than caucasian yet played by a caucasian actors.
Your right about Last Airbender. You can’t tell that the characters in Last Airbender are asian per se, but that was never my argument. Actually I really like alot of the diversity and interesting casting choices in the movie. The problem I have with this movie is the total lack of and exclusion of asian actors in more prominant roles. While still acknowledging they exist en masse in a world that is influenced by them culturally and thematically, they only exist in the background and only as secondary characters. You and others may find that perfectly normal and fine, but to me it creates a feeling inauthenticity and does a disservice to the movie as a whole.
Thanks for engaging me in ths discussion and I truly enjoy your site!
That’s just it Slug, “generally thought of as” is a far cry from IS.
You assume they are Asian, and in that is the flaw, not their casting choices.
And your assumption that Superman COULD have been any colour still doesn’t change the fact that he was sent to earth looking like a Caucasian male. All that “could have” talk is just more speculation and assumptions on something that didnt happen in the story. He looked white, and he was sent to a part of the world that was mostly white. Its not the point as to whether he COULD have been a different colour, the point is that he is not.
That is why people would not be comfortable with a Black Superman. Its been well established that he is not, and its part of his old fashioned small farm town up bringing.
There is no lack of or exclusion of Asians any more than its a lack of or exclusion of Pakistani or Polish people.
Rodney, I think your assumption of what IS is a bit presumptious. I mean what makes you think that an alien from a far off planet IS conclusively a white caucasion male? Its really strange to me your insistance that Superman must be a white caucasian male. For Pete’s sake he’s an alien from a far off galaxy, not even a human being.
You still havent shown me where it is written specifically that he is a white caucasian male. your only proof is from the 1938 comic where you state he is drawn as such which really doesnt have that much bearing these days since all movies and shows of Superman now are going to be an update, modernization, or a retelling anyway.
I also rebutted that by using a comic book drawing of Superman as definitive proof that he is a white caucasian male is exactly the same type of argument that people use as to why those anime toon eyes darker skinned characters could not be played by caucasian actors.
I am also not assuming anybody is asian in Last Airbender. But it is clear to me that all the main characters are not of asian ethnicity, so Im not sure what you mean that there is no lack of or exclusion of asians any more than its a lack of or exclusion of Pakisatni or Polish people.
I already stated that I have no problem with the diversity in casting. What i am saying is that when a film uses asian themes and culture as the basis for its world. And then uses asians in the film but only as extras and in secondary roles there is a disengenuous quality to it.
Take for example a TV series Merlin. A retelling of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table mythology. In this retelling it is established that Camelot is a quasi-multi ethnic society. Gwenevere is of African decent and I think a few other characters are of other ethnicities other than caucasian. Every so often you see some townsfolk or guards who are of an ethnicity other than caucasian.
I think this is a very interesting take on the Camelot mythology, but Camelot is after all a fictional land based on ancient Anglo Saxon culture. So if all of a suddden the creators decided to cast all the Knights of the Round Table and King Arthur as asian it would just become absurd and take away from the whole mythology. It would feel disengenuous no matter how much those asian actors resembled what people think King Arthur or the Knights looked like… and that’s how I feel about the casting in Last Airbender.
Again, you presume that because this fantasy world draws heavily on Asian themes that it must have Asian actors to be authentic. Authentic to what? Its not taking place in Asia!
Its your own perception of what SHOULD happen that is the issue, not what is, or will happen. This problem exists within your own perception of who should be cast.
Then you say its ok to have a Gwen to be African (Angel Coulby is actually Indian) because messing with the cultural time lines of a documented history is alright, but this not Asian fantasy world should have Asians in its primary roles to remain authentic?
You just prove that they dont have to have Asians in the role, especially when nothing in the cartoon indicates they are specifically Asian.
Hhmm… Didnt realize the actress was Indian, but my point was that she was definitely not caucasian. I am also pretty sure the whole Knights of the Round Table and King Arthur legend was a pure work of fiction and not documented history. I said it was OK in my mind that Gwenevere was not of Anglo Saxon origin because the creators have established that in this fictional world of King Arthur and the Knights anybody could be of any ethnicity (see Gwenevere).
But I could apply this to many other works of fantasy and fiction. Lord of the Rings, Lets keep the cast as is but make the fellowship all asian. Lets make all the Disney animations into live action movies. ok, Snow White, same cast, Snow White and 6 of the seven dwarves, lets make them asian. Sleeping Beauty and the Prince, asian. You get the idea. If all the extras and secondary roles in these films were played by caucasion but then all the main roles are asian. Something would seem awfully out of place and.. disengenuous.
You are definitely right, the makers of Last Airbender definitely do not have to have any Asians in any roles in Last Airbender. Yet they choose to, but only as extras and in secondary roles. The makers of the film are the ones who are giving the audience the perception that in this world influenced by asian culture and asian themes that asians exist and they exist in an extremely large number. But hey guess what? All the main characters just happen to be, not asian? For me thats kind of a huge leap and disengenuous. and if thats my perception then so be it. But my perception is created by what the film is telling me to perceive.
While there was no supernatural element, there was in fact a King named Pendragon who was followed by his son Arthur.
Historical accuracy is vague on the subject (hence “The Dark Ages”) but some details are considered historical, such as the round table, the crusades, and certain names like Pendragon.
In that time ethnic diversity was not encouraged, which resulted in the Crusades, and Asian and Indian members of society would likely have been slaves or hunted as godless heathens.
The Aurthurian Legends are based on historical fact and there is some discord that they are casting not whites in the roles. But it doesnt really matter to me.
Fair enough Rodney. I learned something new today. :) While the creators can never totally ignore its source inspiration, you must admit Merlin, the new retelling is so far removed from historical fact it would be laughable to call it such.
I also gave some other fantasy and fiction works that, if made into film with inconsistent casting choices, would potentially disrupt an audience out of the story and movie going experience.
Not everyone may agree, but that’s why I said I can understand when someone thinks that some of the main characters should be asian in Last Airbender.
After some digging, I found out that only caucasians were even considered for the lead roles during casting calls. Actors of all ethnicities were considered for extras and non speaking roles. Only after public outcry of the initial casting did the film makers recast Zuko the villain with Dev Petal. It was a calculated and systematic exclusion of all ethnicities other than caucasian by the film makers for the lead roles. Why am I not surprised…
Hey guys, I loved the animated version. It was well written and stayed faithful to Japanese anime in many ways. To that end I have to disagree slightly with you Rodney. Yes it is not Earth, but the names are strongly Asian..the characters written through out the shows begining title sequence, postings on doors(walls) and credited in the ending titles are very much real Chinese language (mandarin). Also alot of the kung fu from fire bending, air bending,earth and water bending is from actual kung fu forms. There is more of Earths cultures here than less.
Just saying..looking at the kids kind of pulls me out the fantasy.
Oh and I am way more than a young adult. M. Night always seems to dissapoint but maybe this will be the one!
My first and middle names are very clear and traditionally British names - but I am French.
My youngest child has a very common Irish name, and is French and Polish.
Names mean nothing.
I think it looks cute! After all the back and forth I looked up pictures, and despite everyone having this huge “they are not Asian” things,, Ugh, guys the cartoons are drawn with brown hair and blue eyes.. not to mention large ROUND blue eyes, the kids cast in the movie look JUST like the cartoons!
I LOVE sailor moon, would seem odd to me if they made her a black hair Asian girl when she is blond and blue eyed, when did it become a crime to depict the picture and not the culture who drew it!!!??? If they wanted to portray Asians, I would think in today’s day and age they would DRAW Asians?
I liked it…at least the have the siege of the northern water tribe. But did they make Zuko’s uncle skinny?
This trailer isn’t really anything special. although aang an sokka in the trailers so far have been nothing but all serious. sokka out of the trio is the comedic relief an so far every scene is him serious. also when aang first meets the water tribe, he too brings everyone joy(ex: in the cartoon he has everyone ride Penguins o.0,an jokes a lot at first).though as time progresses he realizes he must become focused to beat the Fire-lord.
so the scenes may be from around those times.
This looks like a video game!
Then I need to be playing the games you play.
No game I have ever seen looks like this.
I’d like to see the next Superman played by an Albino Actor!
Better yet, he can be played by a hispanic soap star!
Oh wait, they did that already.
Those people LOOK Asian to me people.
The kid looks the part.
and were talking about an american cartoon series that borrowed from a Magna or Anime (still cant really tell the differance)vision right? cause I look at this stuff and peeked at the cartoon series and could have sworn it was Japaneese animation just looking at the characters.(big eyes, kung-fu type action mixed with supernatural elements, etc.)in other words…………….Speed Racer animation. the only thing missing was the bad over-dubbing of the voices. to me I can squint my eyes (no pun intended) and confuse this stuff with Pokemon or whatever else their shelling out these days.
whats with the uproar?
actually they dont look Asian………….My Bad!
Indian maybee?
who cares though?
I thought I saw a Puerto Rican in there some where…