Black Widow Exclusive Wondercon Iron Man 2 Poster Online

Posted by Rodneyon 31. 03. 2010in News Chat

If you happen to be attending Wondercon this weekend in SanFrancisco, you might get a look at or a chance to snag your very own Black Widow Character Poster for Iron Man 2 exclusive to patrons of Wondercon.

Just the other day when I posted the Iron Man 2 poster, I expressed my interest in individual character posters and here it is. Its a very sexy poster (and now my desktop image)


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Rodney who has written 8092 posts on The Movie Blog

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14 Responses to “Black Widow Exclusive Wondercon Iron Man 2 Poster Online”

  1. Eddie says:

    OMG!! Shes so Hot

  2. Ken says:

    Another Scarlett photo to add to my personnel PICTURES.
    ~Blazing Hot Poster~

  3. 420BAND says:

    Nice! I cant stop staring at it

  4. yamo says:

    Ryan Reynolds is a lucky man.

  5. Tv Sucks/Thats alright says:

    What drives me crazy is the fact that they won’t show her right half (where the supposed SHIELD Emblem is located) and it’s been obscured by something in both the images for the movie and the trailers.

  6. Soul of a Robot says:

    Hmm… Well, they certainly understand their target audience.

  7. Andrew says:

    HOT DAMN! (right clicks and selects Save as)

  8. 420BAND says:

    I’ll take the left breast over the Shield Emblem anyday!

  9. Lawrence says:

    Another hot chick in a superhero movie….sheesh.

    • Rodney says:

      And the problem with that would be?

      I dont see the issue here man.

    • cloud720 says:

      They totally should have got Gabourey Sidibe.

      But seriously, have you ever seen a comic book? All the women are drawn hot, why shouldn’t there real life counter parts be the same?

  10. sekngucing says:

    shiny black pvc suit would be better

  11. Roman says:

    Natasha never looked this good on ink and thank goodness for that this is outta sight

  12. tripp van easille says:

    I wanna play……

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