Anna Faris joins Private Benjamin Remake

Posted by Rodneyon 31. 03. 2010in News Chat

New Line Cinema is remaking the Goldie Hawn classic Private Benjamin, and they have tapped Anna Faris to star.

ScreenRant says:

Faris will be taking on the role made famous by Goldie Hawn in the 1980 original, meaning she’s one step closer to fulfilling her dream of becoming the next Goldie Hawn.

If there is one thing that Anna Faris is good at is the fish out of water ditzy girl. Throw her in any comedy where she plays a witless girl not in her element and its sure to make for some funny.

I just hope it keeps some of the wit and intelligence of Private Benjamin and not just a House Bunny joins the Army.

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Rodney who has written 8092 posts on The Movie Blog

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4 Responses to “Anna Faris joins Private Benjamin Remake”

  1. 420BAND says:

    Would have been nice to see her daugher do it…
    BUT Anna has better comedic chops I suppose.

  2. Danny says:

    I think this could work although I would have imagined the woman from the Legally Blonde movies before Faris for it.

    So when can we expect D.B Woodside (Glover), Christian Kane (Gibson), and Oswalt Patton (Pesci) in a Lethal Weapon reboot?

    • Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

      I beg your pardon?

      You surely didn’t forget Reese Witherspoon’s name, now did you?

      Yeah, Kate Hudson/Reese Witherspoon over Faris any day…..

  3. darren j seeley says:

    Private Benjamin?

    Hmm….lemme think on this.

    Thought complete.

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