A Galactic Empire State of Mind

A funny video plays spoof to Jay-Z and Alicia Keyes’ Empire State of Mind and introduced Darth Vader to vocals, and Princess Leia in a slinky dress groovin on Max Rebo’s Piano.

That Leia is pretty hot and the lyrics are pretty fun too.

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4 Responses to “A Galactic Empire State of Mind”
  1. Eddie says:

    Really well done video.. its nice to see that THE FORCE is still strong among us.. also Leia at the ends looks like Kristen Bell at the end of “Fan Boys”…. Keep them coming guys

  2. Justin says:

    Great stuff all around but those Ewok costumes aren’t movie quality to quote Step Brothers.

  3. vargas says:


  4. 420BAND says:

    Coulda used more Leia in that gold bikini, and have her show more rhythm. Where do they get all those costumes and props from?

    Pretty fun

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