‘Incredible Hulk’ Director Talks Edward Norton Return

MTV News spoke with “Incredible Hulk” director Louis Leterrier about the return of Edward Norton and a sequel to the Incredible Hulk. Personally, I liked the reboot much better than the original. It wasn’t a HORRIBLE film. If what they are saying below they pull off, I think it could be a VERY good sequel.

MTV News has the story:

What would it would take to bring Norton back for another adventure as Bruce Banner.

“It depends,” Leterrier told MTV News. “It’s not a Marvel/Edward thing, it would be really be about, well… We told the story of the fugitive, what’s the next step in the story?”

“It can’t just be ‘Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry,’” he explained. “That would be a problem if you do the same thing over and over again. Edward’s never done the same movie twice, so I don’t think he would do that.”

So now that we know what won’t bring Norton back, what about the sort of movie that will see Norton returning to the Marvel movie-verse?

“If you find something interesting — yeah, I’m sure he would [be back],” said Leterrier. “He’s a fanboy. He’s as big a fanboy as you and me, maybe even more.”

However, Leterrier said he wasn’t exactly optimistic about getting the chance to make another “Hulk” movie — so a return in “Avengers” could be the next time we’ll see the character.

“The box office [for 'Incredible Hulk'] was great, but it wasn’t so big that you had to make a sequel,” he said.

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20 Responses to “‘Incredible Hulk’ Director Talks Edward Norton Return”
  1. James (Haz) says:

    WTF is wrong with Marvel???

    From now on, MAKE SURE that the actors you sign in your movies, sign 10 movie deals. Like Sam Jackson.

    I mean- Tim Freaking Roth signed a 3 movie deal! TIM ROTH

    Tim Roth played Abomination, the Hulk villain. And Edward probably wont be in it.

    THIS tells me that theyll either
    A) Have more Hulk movies with Tim Roth as one of the villains


    B) He’ll be an Avengers villain

    or both.

    BUT EITHER WAY it wont be with Ed Norton as the Hulk. Probably.

    This grinds my gears.

    • jack says:

      wow, someone is clueless about how hollywood works. it doesn’t matter how many movies he’s signed for (or not), if he doesn’t want to do a sequel, he doesn’t have to. film studios aren’t going to force him to do a movie he doesn’t want to; they’ll just hire someone else to replace him, especially when he starts making demands about a bigger paycheck, etc. it’s easy to get out of a hollywood “contract”.

      • Rodney says:

        Looks like Jack knows Jack about what Jacks says he knows.

        The film studios CAN force you to do a movie. If they put their foot down and say “you cant back out” they can sue him for the money he was given. Thats why they get to them to sign multi picture deals so they can secure the same actor.

        Yes, he can break the contract, but not without significant inconvenience. You make it sound like if he doesn’t want to do it, he can just blow it off without consequence.

        And frankly, they don’t even really NEED him. Banner could be a cameo as far as the story goes, and they might get him on set for a couple days for the whole film. The rest of the film he can be stuck in CG Hulk form.

      • RB says:

        Norton is big enough that he probably didn’t have to sign a 3 picture deal. They probably wanted him to and he said no. Or he had it in his contract that they had so much time after the release of the 1st one before he could walk. Or he has script and director approval. There are myriad ways big stars can get out of or not sign contracts. You just know whatever up-and-comer or unknown they get for Spider-Man will probably sign at least a 3 picture, if not a 6 picture deal.

    • James says:

      Im aware of that, thats what happened to Nightcrawler, he signed a contract but they didnt need him (or he just left, i forgot)

      Look, “Jack”

      Im not talking as much about him signing a contract as much as Marvel saying

      ‘HEY, if youre going to be in this movie, we need someone that WILL be in the next ones, we dont want to change the actors. you MUST be committed.”
      “Well, Im Edward Norton so i may be doing other movies… maybe ill be busy..maybe-”
      “Ok, youre out. thank you for coming”

      MAKE SURE youre casting actors committed to the franchise.

      • Rodney says:

        They opted not to include Nightcrawler in X3. Then they explained why in the video game which did include him (he was off doing something else for the Prof)

        But if they DID put Nightcrawler in, Cummings was our man. The contract protects both parties. Cummings is guaranteed the role, and the studio knows he is commited to do it.

        If not, there are lawyers involved and it gets messy.

      • James says:

        Yeah, in the game you could only be Wolvie, Ice Man or Nightcrawler and they tell you, but i never thought it was really linked to the movie.

        WHICH was weird. I mean they rushed that whole movie because of Superman Returns in the first place, and the director wanted to add extra scenes and NOW im betting that the extra scenes were maybe a 3 minute Nightcrawler scene explaining what you said.

        Or maybe it was an extra love scene with Jean Grey. We’ll never know.

        They should have just took their time and released it without thinking twice about Superman’s release date.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Well, worse that comes to worse, Hulk will still be Hulk just without Norton…or…a SHIELD agent comes in contact with Banner’s DNA and is called She-Hulk.

  2. RB says:

    While I personally don’t care too much for Avengers, I think using the Hulk in the greater Marvel universe is the best bet. After 2 Hulk movies that did about the same somewhat lackluster box office, it’s obvious that there is a limited audience for Hulk. But I think people would love a Hulk vs Iron Man movies or if Hulk shows up in Avengers, etc. It just doesn’t seem Hulk can carry a movie by himself.

    The only other way to make another Hulk movie is to significantly lower the cost of a Hulk movie, which would be tough. It would mean no stars and less Hulk, and who wants that in a Hulk movie? Something tells me all eyes will be on Spider-Man to see how successful Sony’s experiment in cheap-o superhero movies is.

  3. TDot says:

    I think it has less to do with contracts (cause they can always be broken) but more about casting someone with an appetite for a multimovie arc.

    I think Ed Norton was amazing in the Hulk, but if he was never interested in doing more than one maybe they should have found someone who was.

  4. RaX says:

    be a real shame if ed norton doesnt return as hulk but at sametime yeah its a hard one to do a sequel since hulk is hulk at the end of the day.

    But theres plenty of charactors that can be introduced and with avengers even more storylines too boot.

    just picture this Tony stark winding up Bruce banner…. or iron man getting a whooping from the most powerful Mutant of them all The Hulk.

    That on its own deserves a sequel or Avengers Hulk screen time :)

  5. MichoPower says:

    You know whats ruining these movies…the fucking love interest story that the damn movies have. Hulk was fucking awesome. You got to be crazy to not think so. That was what I had been expecting to see since first watching ol Lou as Hulk back in the day. I sure hope Ed comes back…IMO he did an awesome job as BB. I think all of these character could carry a movie…just quit putting in the love shit…thats what totally ruined Spiderman and Superman for me. (i am referencing all the new movies)

    • SlashBeast says:

      You’d have to be crazy to think Hulk WAS awesome.

      And neither Hulk movie was devoid of it’s fair share of romance elements so your point is flawed.

  6. kingl says:

    Hulk could still return, we just probably won’t see him as Bruce Banner.

  7. Pedro says:

    Quite frankly I don’t like Edward Norton’s attitude, he got a bee in his bonnet about something in the last Hulk and didn’t do any promotional work for the film.

    I think we can all do without that sulky kind of attitude, great actor though he is, he’s too much of a pain in the arse.

    Now I liked Thomas Jane as The Punisher, I think he’d make a great Bruce Banner since they didn’t use him as Frank Castle in the last Punisher movie.

  8. Pedro says:

    One other thing, I think it’s funny that whenever there’s a blog about The Hulk the pic that you use is from Ang Lee’s version of Hulk, considering were talking about “The Incredible Hulk” shouldn’t you use a pic from that film?


    • Darren J Seeley says:

      I agree. Unless of course, when the Avengers get the Hulk to become Banner, he turns into Eric Bana because Ed Norton would not sign.

      I know. 10000 to 1 odds.

  9. 420BAND says:

    Hulk in Avengers is what the 1st Avengers comic was about..now even if they dont go exactly like it’s written, Having in there tearin’ shit up is enough for me…

  10. 420BAND says:

    I dont see a sequel to Louis’s film. I liked it BUT I just dont see another coming. They set it up pretty good with the next villan gettin’ his dose of Gamma Juice (cant think of the name arrgghh!)

    Shame but just dont see it with the announcment about him being in Avengers.

  11. 420BAND says:

    Ang Lee’s Hulk was a bag of mixed emotions,The whole 3rd act with Nick Nolte was a mess, greatly acted by him BUT the effects were unclear and messy. Was that supposed to be the Absorbing man? CAUSE NO ONE MENTIONED IT THROUGHOUT THE FILM!Eric Bana seemed out of place at the time cause he was fairly Unknown at the time..fast forward 8 years and we all can say he’s an AWESOME actor and re-watching Ang’s film he’s not a distraction anymore.
    the Blond guy who plays Betty Ross’ boyfriend or suitor is STILL a horrible actor and gives off bad DR.DOOM acting vibes bigtime!General Ross was the best among them in my opinion. Liked the comic panel Layout and loved the desert chasing scene..THAT WAS AWESOME. but there were waaay too many faults to make up for the good stuff..
    and dont get me started on the fuckin’ hounds..

    the 2nd tried waaay too hard NOT to be Ang’s film and went too far in the other direction but was arguably better in terms of action and pacing..

    I’m still glad both were made though..

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