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First Look at Big Screen Captain America and Thor Costumes?
Our first hint at what Captain America and Thor might look like in their respective films comes via Kotobukiya - a company that makes collectible ministatues for Marvel and DC properties.
How do we know this is what they will look like? Well we do not know 100%, however Kotobukia gets their hands on the concept art for the films long before the release and bases their statues on those images. In the past their Iron Man, Incredible Hulk and Punisher figures all looked exactly as the characters did in the film.
So lets take a peek at the figures just released then when an announcement does come out, we will see how close these were.
I like the realism to the figures, but still not spandex covered bodybuilders.
If this is how they are going to look, I am perfectly fine with that!
Hell Yeah! I can get on board with these concepts!
i like that theyre not putting wings on Captain Americas head, instead their going with the wing-like stripes
dude, and he has the SCALES!
I hope they look exactly like that! EXACTLY!
I was worried they would give Captain America a hoodie and Thor roller blades or something
Rodney you just made my day. Seriously.
A BIG thumbs up here! Great progress on these projects! DC/WB-taking notes fellas?????
These aren’t new costumes, they are used now in the comics (At least Thor’s is) That is Ultimate Thor’s costume Captain American is new but I doubt he will have spandex pants. I hope these are acurate because me likey.
No one said they were new, this is just potentially the versions to be used in the film based on the history of the people making the collectibles.
also captain americas isnt new, its just an iteration of his costume, i know ive seen it before.
Again… no one said NEW.
Thats not Ulitimate Thor’s costume. It’s Thor’s current costume in the regular (Earth-616) series.
The statues are sweet. I’ve always loved the more military look of Caps costume. They will look awesome if done like that!
i think ultimates?
This just looks COOL! but what’s that on the upper part of Cap’s body?
They’re scales (see James above). It’s like reinforced chain-male armor.
It would be great if they follow these designs. My fear has been that they will try to make the costumes more modern and lose some of their identity.
I know right!
I was scared they would give Captain America a fanny-pack around his waist or Thor an electric guitar instead of a hammer
I dont like the Helmet looking thing on Caps head, looks retarded. They may want to work on that Helmet some more cause I dont like it, the rest of the costume is spot on.
I hope they can get the shield right, the couple low budget Cap movies they have made in the past were really bad at turning the shield into an embarrassment. The Shield is supposed to be a serious weapon and needs some real attention this time around.
The “newer” Thor costume is a winner of course, which Thor wears in the current ongoing series since he has inherited the Odin-Force.
great, great costume.
“Helmet looking thing on Caps head, looks retarded.”
better then the wings, wont you say?
When you say “Newer Thor costume” are you refering to Ultimate Thor? Because if so i agree
Hes the one with a hammer thats square on one side and sharp on the other
Well aren’t the wings supposed to symbolize that of an Eagle or some such thing?
Personally, I would rather have just the A on the forehead and nothing on the sides if they aren’t going to do the wings. I cant get a good side-view of his head from the pictured angle but I’ll stand by my first thought and say the helmet contraption looks retarded. From the neck down it really looks good though.
Regarding Thor:
In reference to his “newer” costume, it is what he is wearing in current volume 3 which is at issue 606 right now if I am not mistaken.
The “wings” were supposed to be Eagle inspired, but still looked kinda stupid no matter how classic he is. This headgear looks pretty much like he always has with the exception of the little wings. I don’t see how this is suddenly retarded.
The guy is wearing a skin tight suit made up of the US flag… out of context this is as silly as you can get.
I believe now they are emulating more the “stripes” of the stars and stripes banner.
These are not movie designs, these are made to commemorate the “Big Three” (Iron Man, Cap, Thor) joining together again. The Captain America costume is the costume from the series Captain America Reborn…
Good things are headed our way…
I heard that Thor has a beard in the movie. Has he ever had one in the comics? My source told me it was kind of a big deal.
Yeah, he doe’s not my favorite rendering of him though..They did that same thing w/ Auqaman and I didn’t like it..
The Avengers(original) Thor has always been my favorite image..
Guy’s just be happy there not using some kinda ALL BLACK outfit like they did with the X men…
take it and run!!! JEEEEESH.
These both rock - Im on for each flick