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August 27, 2009

The 10 Biggest Bombs Of Summer 2009

— Posted by John Campea

When do you label a movie a “bomb”? it’s a tricky question because different people will attach different criteria to how one defines the term. For example, “Superman Returns” made over $50 million opening weekend and nearly $400 million world wide when all was said and done, and many people, because of expectations, budget, marketing etc. etc. call the film a “bomb”. On the other hand, “District 9” made $37 million opening weekend and was hailed by many as a “huge hit”. It all depends what your criteria is… and that’s fair enough.

However… there are some films that just BOMB. Doesn’t matter how you define the term, what your criteria is or who you’re sleeping with, and to call them anything but is a crime against common sense.

The summer of 2009 and some legitimate box office smash hits. Films like “Transformers 2” (almost $900 million WW), “Harry Potter”, “UP”, “The Hangover” and “Star Trek”. However… there were also some massive bombs.

So here is the simple criteria I’m using for establishing the bombs for the purposes of THIS post:

1) It has to have opened in at LEAST 1000 theaters. Sure, a smaller number could still be considered a “wide release”, but at 1000 theaters, that means ANYONE in north america could have gone out to see the movie if they wanted to see it.

2) I’m just looking at opening weekend numbers here. These are the biggest indicators. I’m not saying this is the RIGHT way to do it… I’m just saying that for the purposes of this post and discussion that is the criteria.

3) The budget of the film is irrelevant for the purposes of this post.

Now, before we look at the bombs and their opening weekend failures… let’s put it in context and look first at what some other films opened with shall we?

TRANSFORMERS 2 - $108 million opening weekend in 4234 theaters
THE HANGOVER - $45 million in 3269 theaters
STAR TREK - $75 million in 3849 theaters
THE UGLY TRUTH - $28 million in 2883 theaters

Ok, with that all out of the way… here are the 10 biggest bombs of the summer of 2009

Opening Weekend - $1 Million
Number of theaters - 1159
The annimated classic that… well let’s face it no one saw it except the family of the director so no one really knows what it was about.
Opening Weekend - $3.2 million
Number of theaters - 1164
I guess she really was just a one hit wonder with “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”. Too bad, I really liked that movie.
Opening Weekend - $5.5 million
Number of theaters - 3008
What?!?! An Eddie Murphy family comedy that bombed? Say it ain’t so!
Opening Weekend - $2.6 million
Number of theaters - 1959
Quietly came, quietly went. Marketing came far too late and was far too weak.
Opening Weekend - $6.4 million
Number of theaters - 3105
I guess no one wants to see the director of “Grindhouse” who screws his cast behind his wife’s back doing family kid films now.
Opening Weekend - $5.6 million
Number of theaters - 1838
Lot of people thought this could be a sleeper hit a few months back. Turns out it was just a sleeper.
Opening Weekend - $4.9 million
Number of theaters - 1858
“Why pay to see the hot cheerleader in theaters when you can just see her on TV for free”? seems to have been the prevailing thought amongst movie goers.
Opening Weekend - $2.2 million
Number of theaters - 2121
QUESTION: Did anyone, anywhere or at anytime ever think for one solitary moment that this movie wasn’t going to completely tank?
Opening Weekend - $3.5 million
Number of theaters - 1325
A smaller budget film but surprising considering the marketing push it got and all the positive reviews
Opening Weekend - $5.9 million
Number of theaters - 2159
A decent enough movie that no one had any desire to see for some reason.

So there you have it. Now remember, just because a movie didn’t make a lot of money at the Box Office doesn’t mean it was a bad movie… just that no one wanted to see it.

Tomorrow I count down the best to worst films of the summer of 2009.

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  • Monty

    Has anyone mentioned Next Day Air?

    Opening Weekend – $4.1 million
    Number of theaters – 1139

    • Monty

      Production budget bombs (not listed above)include:

      Land of the Lost
      Production budget - 100 million
      Worldwide Gross - 62.4 million

      Year One
      Production budget - 60 million
      Worldwide Gross - 53.8 million

      Production budget - 100 million
      Worldwide Gross - 101.1 million

  • Phil Gee

    And how many people (including myself) thought G.I.Joe would make the list?

  • dax

    Land of the Lost is probably the biggest profile bomb of the summer. Number-wise it may not make sense to have it on this list. But, It was supposed to do much better than it did.

  • townes

    “Why pay to see the hot cheerleader in theaters when you can just see her on TV for free?”

    I know John that you are very sure of this. That the main reason for a TV star not being able to jump to the big screen is because the audience is used to see them for free.

    However, I think there is another reason much more important.
    Consider Daniel Radcliff… he is afraid to be known as Harry Potter after 4-5 movies, or Daniel craig as Bond after 2 movies………
    now to the tv series…. you already see my point?!

    captain kirk, buffy, all of the friends…. the audience just has a hard time to accept the new character.

    thats why not many tv-stars can manage the step up. thats why.

    “Why pay to see the hot cheerleader in theaters when you can just see her on TV for free?”
    nope, thats definitely not the point.

  • Kimberly

    Bandslam was an enjoyable movie…and I agree with a previous poster…much more in the vein of School of Rock than a HSM movie.
    I think the marketing was lame and it was simply overshadowed by other movies.

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