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August 25, 2009

R.I.P. Ed Turner

— Posted by John Campea

There is a 99.999% chance you don’t know Ed Turner, or maybe even ever heard of him… but for a short time I knew him, and he was one hell of a talented and good guy. He was my 1st assistant director on my movie “The Anniversary” and has about 70 movies on his credit list. He was funny, dedicated, as hard working as he was tall and loved movies.

I just found out Ed passed away yesterday and I’m currently agonizing over how many times I thought about touching base with him since we wrapped shooting but more times than not never got around to it.

Ed saved my movie before I even realized it needed saving. Ed was the “strong” voice on our set. Cracking the whip, keeping things moving, keeping us on our ridiculous schedule. He’d jump when I needed him to jump, and got in my face when I needed it. There at the crack of dawn (or earlier) and usually one of the last ones to leave the set at 4am. I LOVED working with him and was looking forward to working with him more in the future. He was a great guy to have around, and to BE around. That’s all I can say right now.

(Ed with me on the set of our movie)

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  • http://RIPEdTurner Janice Turner

    Year # 2 without you my darling son. I miss you with all my heart. Uncle Phil will be joining you soon.

    love forever…mom

  • Rachel Wagabaza

    Happy belated Edward… think about you often and we all miss you! Hope you’re in a better place smiling down and waiting patiently for those who miss you… and shaking your head at your guuuurl, I’m sure she’s given you some good laughs! :) - R Dub

  • Brian

    I went to College with Ed, we lived in the same Freshman dorm. There is not much more I can add about the character of Ed, other than how it affected me. It was difficult to hear about his death, main because it was so late after the even a happened. I will miss him and think of him often.

  • Sheila

    I just happened upon this blog after asking myself why Ed did not return my email regarding post sound that he was planning on doing. So for some reason I typed in Ed Turner and this popped up. When I clicked on it I didn’t really think this was our Ed… but I just clicked on it.

    I am really sorry to hear that Ed passed away I had the pleasure of working with him on our film Of Silence… that is him and the director on his imdb page. He was a really nice person and during breaks I would often chat with Ed and sometimes play cards and music with him as well as the rest of the crew. I know when they hear about Ed passing they will all be devastated.

    I saw Ed on August 18th in downtown I was at the court house and he was jumping on the bus and we chatted for a few seconds hugged and that was that. I never would have guessed this was the reason I had not yet heard from him. How awful.

    I would really like to know what happened to Ed because he was so young and full of life that I just don’t understand and am really shocked. Does anyone know?

    My condolences to his family and friends.

    • Janice Turner

      Feel free to email me…

      Janice Turner…Ed’s mom

      • Carey Lee Coffey

        How can I email Janice Turner??

  • janice turner

    Happy birthday Edward…Nov. 4…31!

    love from your family

  • christina

    I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Ed Turner. He did sound on two of my short films, mixing as he boomed and he worked hard. May he RIP, and my condolences to his family and girlfriend.

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