So A New Highlander Huh?

Posted by John Campeaon 24. 09. 2009in News Chat

So as you know… they’re remaking “The Highlander”. I just put this together for fun:


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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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16 Responses to “So A New Highlander Huh?”

  1. Larry says:

    HA! Ok, that’s actually pretty funny!

    How about “The Highlander: We Lost Count”

  2. Sean says:

    “Fuck you fans” is exactly what this all about. You should do some more of these.

  3. Antonio Spinozzi says:

    Ha is there no end to your talents!!!

  4. SlashBeast says:

    “There can be just one more” - LOL!

  5. roXet says:

    I don’t see how this one can be any worse than that last movie with Duncan and Conner. That was horrible, I’m still embarrassed that I went to see it in the theater.

  6. TDot says:

    James Purefoy would be perfect for this, just as Brandon Rooth was for Superman Returns.

  7. James (hazmat) says:

    No, this seriously is NOT cool. They need to fucking stop remaking these films. Im serious

    I think that if they keep doing this bullshit theyll piss off so many fans, that well decide to boycott every single remake of a classic movie.

    Theyre going too far with this. Too far.

    I never thought theyd remake HIGHLANDER

    • MandarinOrange says:

      Just wait till they decide to remake The Princess Bride, that will be the start of the apocalypse.

    • Jake says:

      Dude, Highlander was released thirty years ago. Not only that, but it has flaws. Flaws that could potentially be righted and make a much better story.

      However, I really don’t think that Justin Lin’s the one to do it. I really don’t.

  8. JimmyBoots says:

    “There should’ve been only one”

  9. War-Journalist says:

    For right now, I’m just going to focus on the hilarity of the strip, and hope Soul goes on a rant like this next time he’s on the show.

  10. Dave says:

    You can’t have Highlander without a Queen soundtrack. That’s all I’m saying.

  11. leeloo says:

    they should make it a reality show with celebrity judges.

  12. Mikano94 says:

    “Bend over and take it” Just out of curiousity, since that guy in the panel refered to the other guy as Soul, is that guy you, John?

  13. vargas says:

    I think a new Highlander film with a Mogwai soundtrack would be cool. But nothing beats Queen.

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