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Norton says Hulk’s Return is just Timing

By Rodney - September 30, 2009 - 05:22 America/Montreal

To Hulk or not to Hulk, that is the question!

I guess if you say things enough times someone might take notice, and with the fan reaction to the potential that Edward Norton could return as the Hulk as an adversary for the Avengers film, I think someone might be. Well mostly Norton.

At one point he was saying he wasn’t interested in doing it again, and now he is just saying its a matter of scheduling. So which is it dammit? You’re making me angry. You won’t like me when I am angry!!!

ScreenRant quotes Norton:

“It’s purely a function of time… It’s always about just working things out on the schedule.”

“I get very busy. You have to deal with the demands of your moment… I tend to keep my head in the thing I’m doing and I don’t speculate or worry too much about what two or three blocks down the thing is going to be. I know all these things will reveal themselves and work themselves out.”

Saying its purely a matter of scheduling implies to me that they have talked about it, and provided Norton can work it in, he will be in the film.. at least the Banner parts.

I would love to see the Hulk as the first Avengers villain. Having them face off against one of their own raises questions about the Hulk that make the character interesting in the first place. They recruit this unstoppable super team to defend their country only to have one of their own members become the threat? That’s a great story to tell. I hope they don’t waste it.

And I thought Norton’s Banner was perfect.

I hope he returns.


  1. Slushie Man says:

    I couldn’t see him returning, after his bad experiences with the first film, but this is great news, even though its really non-news pretty much, but at least he’s talking about it, which is more then he ever said about the first movie.

  2. Josh says:

    I liked him as Banner too. I think he felt more like the Banner from the comics. I hope he is involved in the Avengers movie to some degree. A whole plot built around the Hulk could serve as more of a Hulk movie than an Avengers movie.

  3. SlashBeast says:

    If he does return, I hope the next film doesn’t waste him like The Incredible Hulk did.

    • bjon86 says:

      what the hell are you talking about??? How did The Incredible Hulk (Ed Norton version) “waste” the Hulk? Like what the hell are you talking about.

      • SlashBeast says:

        The Hulk wasn’t wasted. Ed Norton as Bruce Banner was. He was pretty much given nothing substantive to do and was reduced to a time-filler between the Hulk sequences. That’s pretty much a crime with an actor with immense talent like Norton.

      • Brendan says:

        I guess I agree that his talent as an actor was a little wasted, but on the other hand he made banner seem pretty believable. Personally I was able to relate to banner in the Incredible Hulk more than any other protagonist in a super hero movie.

        McGuire’s Peter Parker is a caricature of a nerd; Stark and Wayne are both playboys; Bryan singer couldn’t make a relate-able character if he tried (whether it be an X-man or man of steel) and most of the other superhero movies are just too damn bad to even come close.

        So all I can say is that even though this definitely wasn’t Norton’s most challenging role, he absolutely nailed Bruce Banner for me and made the Incredible Hulk one of my favorite recent comic book movies. Take that as you will.

    • RobertCForest says:

      Are you serious? He was a time waster between Hulk scenes? How so? The Movie only has three real Hulk moments. The rest of the movie is about Banner and his struggle. What movie did you watch? Norton was great and had plenty of chances to shine!

      • Kaneda979 says:

        Agreed. The whole telling of the difficulties of Banner being in love with Betty Ross, while also being the Hulk in that movie was just awesome.

        Threw it they finally showed people how the Hulk story is really a gritty comic book version of Beauty And The Beast.

        Just like the Iron Man movie got it right with showing movie audiences that Tony Stark is like the comic book version of the Tin Man from Wizard of OZ.

      • SlashBeast says:

        The writers for The Incredible Hulk eliminated almost any of the psychological aspects that make Banner’s character interesting. The writing was beneath Norton’s talents. He was never given an opportunity to showcase his range or skills beyond a base level.

  4. thematticus says:

    bring back Eric Bana.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Funny, considering the picture we see with this post

    • Dragonslayer says:

      I gotta disagree on that. Edward Norton is was a great Bruce Banner. He looked and acted the part.

      But then again Edward Norton isn’t signing on for another. I hope they throw money at him until he does it.

  5. Rachel says:

    In my imagination, Jon Favreau sits down with Norton over a beer and convinces him to come back. Favreau does obviously have a knack for working with challenging actors. I liked Norton as Banner, too, and I do think Avengers would be much poorer without him.

  6. bjon86 says:

    I’m sorry but everybody keeps saying that Hulk as the villain would be awesome, I would have to completely and totally absoLUTEly disagree. I think that is a fuckin TERRIBLE idea. I LIKE the hulk. Him as the bad guy? The hulk, on screen (don’t give two shits about the zillions of different comic book universes and their crazy hulk adaptations), has never been the type to become so out of control that he is a villain.

    And even if he were the villain, what the fuck would he do but run through cities destroying stuff with his fists??? uuuuh fuckin booooooooring. YAWN! Gimme a break people.

    • bjon86 says:

      I mean I’d love to have him IN The Avengers movie but DEFINITELY NOT as the villain. TERRIBLE idea. TERRIBLE.

      • Rodney says:

        Was it terrible in the comics when it took the entire Avengers lineup to take down the Hulk?

        Yeah, didn’t think you read the book or watched the animated Avengers dtdvd.

      • RobertCForest says:

        You’re missing the point … the reason that he is “The Villain” isn’t because he’s a “Bad Guy”. It’s because he’s causing collateral damage and killing/harming humans on accident. He’s a beast and will do anything to self preserve on natural instinct. The Gov. wants him. The Gov. puts together the Avengers. The Gov. manipulates the Avengers to take down/bring in the Hulk. It’s a great premise for a movie. A GREAT PREMISE FOR A MOVIE.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      “don’t give two shits about the zillions of different comic book universes and their crazy hulk adaptations”

      Isn’t this a sure sign of the degradations of society? Not caring about the past, even though it gave birth to the present? Even if you don’t read the comics, I haven’t, you should at least care about them a little if your a fan of either movie. The movie’s wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the comics. Not to mention I don’t think either movie did as well as the studio hoped. I might of liked the first one if it wasn’t for the mutant dogs and I liked the Norton one a lot; however, it leaves me curious if the movies would have been even better and done better in the box office had they had followed a story arc from any of the comics. Perhaps they did, but as I said I did not read the comics. If they did, then even more the point to giving a shit about the comics.

      I haven’t read the World War Hulk, as I haven’t read any of the Hulk stuff, but I know people will swear on the Bible that it is the greatest Hulk story ever told. That alone makes me curious of what the story would be like on screen. I may have read nothing, but I do give two shits and glad these comics exist.

    • bernardg says:

      I hv the feeling that you didn’t read comic and Hulk history, he is always some kind of outsider, being run from the government. The uncontrolable monster with immense destructive power. He is always to be somekind Jeckyll & Hyde thing going on inside. So it’s doesn’t take a genius if he always on the other side of the law. It’s kinda ironic that you seems loathing comics universe with their Hulk incarnation because that where Hulk was born.
      BTW destructing whole city is so much fun, especially if being done by just a person with only his bare hands.

  7. War-Journalist says:

    I really did enjoy Eric Bana as Banner in ‘03, as I did with the rest of the cast. But I must admit that Norton brings a more dynamic Bruce Banner, and I hope he comes back.

    As for Hulk as a villain: that could only work for the first half of the movie. Otherwise it threatens to be more of a Hulk movie than an Avengers movie. Hulk is the first half, they find out someone (Loki) brainwashed him and turned him nuts. And in the second half they find out, free Hulk, and take down the big guy.

  8. Kristina says:

    The first Hulk was a hot mess.
    The second Hulk was a flat-out bore.
    No more Hulk.

  9. HDpunk says:

    if he cant do it, bring back eric bana

  10. NoName says:

    bring eric bana

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