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Neve Campbell signs for Scream 4
Finding out that Scream 4 was going to film next spring with Courtney Cox and David Arquette just didn’t thrill me. The first one was great, the second ok, but the third made so little sense that I lost any interest in a fourth. But now it looks like they are trying to get Wes Craven to direct and while they are at it, they have confirmed that Neve Campbell will return to reprise her role as the tortured Sidney Prescott!
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Neve Campbell has signed on to return as Sidney Prescott while Wes Craven is in talks to direct “Scream 4″ for Dimension Films
I have said it before and I will say it again now: Sidney will be the Killer.
My theory went out the window when Campbell didn’t sign for Scream 4, but now thats just the only way I see this making sense. Her character suffered far more mental damage than any other scream queen. I predict that bringing Neve back for another chapter would only be so they can have Sidney crack under all the pressure. Everytime she thinks its over Ghostface comes back. That’s gotta wear on a girl.
The last one was a horrible film, but the one part of it I did like was showing Sidney as the broken, paranoid scared shell of a woman who lost any confidence in her life. There is no reason for her to think it would be over now. Make her go nutbars and throw that wide open.
Niice another scream movie, yea the last one wasn’t that great. Still, i like Rodney’s theory on Sidney being the killer, that would be very interesting.
Really, though, what else does she have going on right now. This movie is like Christmas for her. The only person that would be more stoked about there only significant role being done again is Alex Winter.
rodney, i thought they might make sidney the killer to end the orignal trilogy…
but now that shes agreed to do the 4th(reluctantly) after it was said kevin williamson had been writing a script without her…ill stick to my original prediction, which is..
she gets killed in the opening scene ala Drew Barrymore in the orignal…this sending the audience into shock, and the state of mind that ” anyone could be next”
one of the reasons i was such a big fan of the original was how they advertised the film as if Drew barrymore was the lead charchter, and they killed her off in the first 5 minutes. this is the only way to start the new trilogy, and they can use sidneys murder as the reasoning for Dewey and Dale Weathers to come investigate….
They should just focus on killing all the remaining people alive from last three films. That would make a Scream movie worthy of my attention.
scream was anything but predictable. but i’m afraid they’re going to go a predictable route and off her near the very beginning. new start, clean slate, three more movies on the way!
Sidney broken down and paranoid left a shell of herself in Scream 3 was a highlight pointed out on this blog but Laurie Strodes character in Rob Zombies Halloween 2 by the haters was awful although it showed the same kind of breakdown and was actually performed better by Scout Taylor Compton. Neve Campbell can’t act. She is boring, has no screen presence and over time she becomes uninteresting like the movies she’s in and the roles she plays. Scream was great but just became bland with number 2 and 3. All the original characters should be knocked off in the first 20 minutes of Scream 4 to make way for a new cast take over. Campbell as the killer won’t work because it’s to predictable. Bringing back Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard, now that would be interesting? Maybe they didn’t die and just went to a looney bin or something?