John Lasseter talks Definitive Toy Story Collection Toys
Posted by Rodneyon 27. 08. 2009in News Chat
John Lasseter is taking fans behind-the-scenes of the new Toy Story Definitive toy line in an ongoing Youtube 7 part series and we have the first installment here for you.
I watch this and I am conflicted. I really think that Lasseter is being genuine in his love for these characters and how he was impacted when he saw other children loving them just as “Andy” would have in the movie. That’s very genuine, but I get conflicted when I hear him say “Buy two!!” because thats what he is going to do.
Lasseter is not going to “buy” anything. I guarantee you that the manufacturer of these toys are going to just give him as many of them as he wants.
That part to me sounds a little commercial and trying to sell you on the toys instead of sharing why they made this new toyline (which is obviously to sell, so I want to hear the other side of it) I hope in future installments of this feature he reels it in a little and just talks about the characters and the authentic packaging and stuff. Stop selling it.
the other side of it? yeah he loves his job, but we do in business to sell. am i wrong here, just be patient and maybe so cool stuff will come with this. If you read this, thanks for everything you do as well, i check your blog everyday and sometimes don’t agree with your reviews but I always check them. Thanks again.
That’s just it. The other side. The pure joy and intention of releasing a product like this. I want to see what effort went into making these as well as what brought them to think that we needed this Difinitive toy line.
I know at the end of the day its all about money, but I like to see what other motives or considerations influence them on that path. I really think John Lasseter is a big kid and I want to hear more of those type of stories.
And thanks for reading!
When I was a kid I loved Toy Story, and always wished that I could have some better quality toy story toys (my Woody and Buzz were pretty good though, and I guess you could say potato head was too, because that was actually a real toy), My Rex was a cheap puppet, my Hamm was a green fat piggy bank with a brand name on his side, and my slinky dog was missing a spring, plus there were more that I didn’t even have. I wish this set of toys had come out back then, but I think I’ll still buy a Rex toy and put it on my desk at work, I think that will look pretty cool, don’t you?
I remember I had a bunch of Toy Story toys too, I also had an actual Woody and Buzz and Mr.Potato Head, my Rex and Slinky were stuffed animals, Hamm was a blue see-through piggy bank.
Rodney, if you’ve ever seen any behind the scenes features from any Pixar DVD, in Lasseter’s office, he has wall-to-wall shelves filled with millions of Toy Story and Bug’s Life and Monsters Inc. characters.
I have no doubt he loves the characters. But I want to hear about that love… not the sales pitch.
In the post you made it sound as though you were unsure whether he really did love toys or he was just using that as a marketing scheme.
I just rewatched the video and I agree that the idea of having the “Package Toy” is just a marketing scheme to get you to buy both versions.
Yuck. Lasseter is shameless. The part where he talks about them “coming alive,” I was like, What the hell is he talking about?
The Toys are supposed to have a “come alive” feature in them. So, when the kid isn’t playing with them, they start to talk out loud and interact with each other. — creeeeeepy.
Actually, Lasseter probably does buy his toys still (yes even if they should be free). There is a joy in actually buying the toys from a toy store and he has been doing it for decades. He is very “old school” in that sense and (for the most part) doesn’t let his fame go to his head. I sat next to him and his family in a movie theater watching the Golden Compass and was surprised to see him there just like any normal joe schmoe. His office is amazing as well, I’ve never seen so many variety of toys before.
I don’t care what everyone says, maybe it sounds too commercial but I LOVE Toy Story and can’t wait for Toy Story 3. I have the original toys and my son plays with them now.
Of course he is trying to sell these Toys. He can still be a kid at heart.
Even John Lasseter knows that Pixar better make some money and prove why they are worth 7 billion dollars.
I’ll be glad that there is a fully definative Buzz toy. I used to be disapointed with the lack of karate chop action, and the stubby wings that broke straight away.
People in this field are obsessed with toys.. no joke. They fill their offices and cubicles with them. I actually dont doubt his passion (but yeah of course still want to make $$, who wouldnt) lol
Lasseter should be thought of in the same line as Dr. Suess and Walt Disney. The guy is a master.
Pixar gave Disney back it’s magic. While they made some headway with their animated films in the 90′s, it was Pixar that gave Disney back the wow factor.
I will be going to Disneyland to see the new water attraction next year. It looks amazing and the big kid in me can’t wait.
So while there is a business side to all that Disney and Pixar do, it really all starts with the magic. And bringing smiles to millions of families across the globe isn’t a bad way to make money.
I suggest you look up the phrase “splitting hairs” and then stop doing it.
While you are at it, find your ALLCAPS key and toggle it… just once.
Wow. you are so angry. It’s just toys. No biggie.
Go into any Toy aisle and you will see why they put TOY STORY on their boxes. My son knows exactly where to go for Cars (RED), Star Wars (WHITE), He can’t read but knows what that logo of T-O-Y-S-T-O-R-Y means.
Well I’m sure that the fact that its got a giant Buzz Lightyear and Woody in the box should help you child know what the toy is. It dont need Toy Story wrote over it. And it is a biggy because kids dont want toystory wrote over there toys. Such as with the Indianajones outfit. It has the title wrote on the jacket. Well it didnt in the film. It’s not about letting the kid know where things are its about money everything is. Marketing.
BUT i’m not so angry infact if you met me you’d know im one of the most un angry people ever. I wouldnt hurt a flea lol.
I just think they shouldnt lie and say “the box is “Exactly !” the same as Andy had in the movies cos its not.
And Rodney theres no need to be touchy this is a free site to comment on isnt it. I was just giving my opinion.
When does he announce how much they all cost? haha…
I loved the first 2 toy story movies. so i think for sure this one will be good too. they both have a good story line. and teaches a good lesson about friendship
And about how to “Never” chuck your toys away. they have feeling too. lol. THats why all my toys are still here lol.
I have a little girl whos nine, I dont want her to grow up to quick, shes a real dreamer and loves her toy story toys ( the old ones) Im now out there like lots of other mums and dads trying hard to get the whole collection of the new ones for her and sorry to say for me too. Ive been sucked in to the whole toy story films and cant wait for the new one. John lasseter knows what kids want, hes still got plenty of kid left in him. Hes just fantastic. To see my little girl at christmas is going to be fantastic, my husbands on the other hand not so good when he sees how much all the toys have cost me. If only they were a little cheaper.