BioShock Could Have New Director

Posted by John Campeaon 24. 08. 2009in News Chat

All video game movies suck. It’s just a truth. It’s a force of nature, like grativy. However, that’s not to say that someday one game might actually turn into a good film… has to happen sooner or later right? Why not BioShock?

The popular and successful video game “BioShock” has been ready to make the jump to the big screen for some time as it was announced over a year ago that “Pirates of the Caribbean” director Gore Verbinski would be taking on the project. However, back in April of this year it was announced the project was put “on hold” by the studio when the budget for the film ballooned to excess of $160 million. All has been quiet since then. Until now.

The word now is that “28 Weeks Later” director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo is in talks to take over the project. This is the first sign that things could still be in motion for the movie.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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21 Responses to “BioShock Could Have New Director”

  1. Gunther says:

    In other words the movie budget has presumably been cut by at least half and given to someone who knows very well how to do small scale movie projects.
    I foresee another video game movie disaster here.

  2. swampfox says:

    I don’t understand why they make movies based of video games, the games today are already like movie’s themselves

    • SlashBeast says:

      You just answered your own question.

      • bigsampson says:

        sure if u cant read between the lines and see that he is trying to say that one platform of entertainment is enough for some subjects.

      • SlashBeast says:

        Yes, but he is also wondering why video games are being adapted into films when he already provided his own answer, that they are already very cinematic in quality.

  3. Mikano94 says:

    I thought Danny Boyle directed 28 weeks later

    • John says:

      He did “28 DAYS LATER”

      • Mikano94 says:

        Oh, thanks for clearin that up

      • Kaneda979 says:

        I wish Danny Boyle directed 28 Weeks Later, but I don’t blame him for not doing it. I would LOVE it if Danny Boyle was doing BioShock too, he is one of the best directors to date.

        But instead it might be this Juan Carlos Fresnadillo guy, he did 1 movie that most everyone knows about, but it wasn’t that good. Seems like we’re never going to see a truly good video game movie as long as studios continue not to have faith in them and keep forcing them to instead be lower budget films with bad directors.

        You’d think after at least the first Pirates movie and as far a as money makers, the other 2 as well, that they would have allot of faith in Gore Verbinski, but I guess not. In other words, they sadly want this movie to fail.

        But still, it’s final, so maybe there is still hope.

  4. Jeremy K. says:

    Interesting pick for a director. He has an interesting eye for shots that could make the movie interesting. The areal scene in 28 Weeks Later looking down on the city as it is getting bombed was quite breathtaking. It will be interesting to see what he manages with this IP. I don’t recall 28 Weeks Later being all that popular in the box office (could be wrong), but I did enjoy it at my theater viewing. Though, I must say, I’m not as excited as I was when I originally heard Gore Verbinski was to be director.

  5. Jake says:

    I don’t know. Advent Children wasn’t half bad. It’s not particularly great, but it’s certainly not terrible. I’ve seen dozens of far worse action flicks, Blade included.

  6. Dr. Theopolis says:

    I thought the resident evil movies were better than they needed to be. were they Academy Award winning material? no. but they didn’t suck too terribly badly, especially the first one

    • bigsampson says:

      maybe your opinion but i think the masses thought it was complete crap and mostly uwe boll type fodder.

  7. Ramsey says:

    This was such a great game that I really thing it could translate wonderfully to the big screen if they don’t half ass it. I’d love to see what they had in mind to project a $160 million dollar budget.

    • methos says:

      I think BioShock can get away with a budget half that amount. Look what Distract 9 did with $30m. Add another fifty million to that sum and a competent director should be able to make it work.

  8. AARON says:

    Personally, I think this is fine news.

  9. bigsampson says:

    bioshock doesnt need a massive budget…..most of the game is taken place underwater sure…but of all that “underwater” you are actually in a place that could easily be made on a small set….nothing really massive in the game that u couldnt cover up with some out the window cgi crap.

  10. obi-wan kubrick says:

    I was disappointed with 28 Weeks Later. I doubt Bioshock will be any good with this director.

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