Avatar Trailer Breaks 1 day Apple Record

Posted by John Campeaon 24. 08. 2009in News Chat

You know… as bland and completely unimpressive the Avatar trailer was… you can’t deny a lot of the online community was very interested in seeing it.

Considering James Cameron hasn’t had a film in theaters since Titanic, and considering he’s been talking non-stop for nearly 2 years about his new film “Avatar”, it’s understandable that there would be a lot of interest in the first trailer for the film. I don’t know that anyone knew there would be THIS much interest.

To put this into perspective, the former record holder for most views of a trailer in one day was this summer’s “Star Trek” at just over 1.7 million streams. Got that? 1.7 million.

The new Avatar trailer has just destroyed that by serving over 4 million stream on its first day. Clearly internet movie fans are interested and paying attention.

The trailer is poor… and for all the “new technology that will change the industry” talk the CGI looked mediocre by todays standards. HOWEVER, keep in mind that doesn’t mean the movie itself will be good or bad. It’s just a trailer. Also keep in mind that I’ve talked to a lot of my friends who have seen the 16 minutes preview of “Avatar” and swear that the trailer doesn’t do the actual footage justice in the least and that it MUST be seen in 3D to fully appreciate it.

We’ll see soon enough.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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31 Responses to “Avatar Trailer Breaks 1 day Apple Record”

  1. geoff pedder says:

    I don’t know if they are counting the partial downloads that people tried.. I heard a lot of peeps had to try many times to download as the server would fail half way through. Not to mention the broken links on apple.com

    John, I hope the teaser spiked enough interest that you’ll review the movie this december.

  2. Darek-T says:

    I’m sure no matter how bad the trailers look he will still see it. I mean he watched GI Joe opening night.

  3. Snail says:

    and more bashing from you.

    getting old.

    • Oliver says:

      I notice a lot of people hanging around here, bashing John for bashing whatever. In my opinion, if you’re gonna stick around, probably best just to put up with it, if that’s the best you can manage.

      As for this trailer. I’m optimistic about the movie, but the trailer was definitely underwhelming, usually I’ll completely forgive shitty effects if the movie is great in every other respect, but this movie seems to have gotten itself into the position of resting on the hype of its visual effects. So we’ll see. A few people at work today where talking about how revolutionary they had heard this was and how amazing it was gonna be. It made me cringe a little becuase, not only is there no real evidence for this, but in the last issue of empire James Cameron himself said it wasn’t gonna be anything ground breaking (I’ll dig out the quote tomorrow if anyone’s interested).

    • John says:

      Oh go cry somewhere else “Snail”. I’m “bashing” the trailer because it’s bad. Just calling it as I see it. I guess you can’t handle negative things being said about something you like.

      And notice I never said it meant anything bad about the movie itself.

      Just grow up and learn that not everything on the planet falls in line with you and your opinion. Good god.

    • Jake says:

      No offense, but I myself was very impressed by the visuals. When you say that it’s mediocre by today’s standards, I guess I I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. The last time I was really impressed by CGI it was when I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and it seems to me that the characters in the Avatar trailer appeared no less detailed. They’re aliens, so no matter what they’re not going to look “real”, but they do look very detailed and alive.

      But hey, what do I know? And maybe I need to go back and watch it again. It’s just that it’s been awhile since I was really impressed like this.

      • Matt Keith says:

        “No offense, but I myself was very impressed by the visuals. When you say that it’s mediocre by today’s standards”.

        Same here.

  4. Lawrence says:

    Cameron’s stellar resume/reputation is the thing that’s pushing this Avatar film. That’s the main reason why there’s the 4 million stream views on the official site and the others. I’m impressed with the trailer.I’m as jaded as John is, but this film has piqued my interest. I’ll watch this on IMAX when December comes.

  5. Dragonslayer says:

    “Bland and unimpressive”? I really disagree. This is all I have left to be excited about (well…besides The Road) this year.

    Nice that it broke the record. That’s cool.

  6. Jeremy K. says:

    Is anybody taking the following into account? Most movies that are released in 3D were designed to be in 2D. From which people tend to point out that the 2D movie was much better than the 3D. Avatar on the other hand was designed to be in 3D with an accompanied 2D release. Now people complain that the 2D looks horrible. Coincidence? I don’t think so. The 2D version is going to be sub par to the 3D, as the movie was designed to be in 3D… just as a 3D movie is sub par to a movie designed to be in 2D.

    Sure a lot of movies that were designed from the get go to be in 3D (Spy Kids 3D and Journey to the Center of the Earth for example) came out as pure shit. Primarily for the misuse/poor use of 3D in the movies, but even in these examples the movie looked like even more ass in 2D than they did in 3D.

    So again, do you think this could be the reason why people think the Avatar trailer looked horrible in 2D? I saw the fifteen minute screener and it makes what I would consider to be a revolutionary leap in use of 3D compared to past attempt at designing a movie from the start to be in 3D. Personally I thought the 2D trailer was pretty cool, but in 3D in blew me away.

    (P.S. For those worried about where 3D glasses with prescription glasses. My girlfriend was dumbstruck by the screener, and she had to wear the 3D glasses over her prescription. She had no problem. And for those worried about self image and wearing giant goofy looking glasses, it’s a movie in a theater where the majority of peoples focus in on the screen in a very dark theater… it’ll be OK.)

    • bjon86 says:

      yea but in this movie, Cameron is using a new type of 3D. In past 3D movies, you would only see a few random 3D shots. Avatar is ALWAYS 3D. Everything is 3D. Background to foreground. All 3D.

  7. Phil Gee says:

    “I’ve talked to a lot of my friends who have seen the 16 minutes preview of “Avatar” and swear that the trailer doesn’t do the actual footage justice in the least and that it MUST be seen in 3D to fully appreciate it.”

    And I’m one of them but I would never use the 3D as an excuse. I saw the preview and then I watched the trailer on my dinky screen and I thought it was great, all by itself.

  8. Sound Designer Dan says:

    While we’re talking about trailers….

    Inception teaser trailer:

  9. thematticus says:

    I loved the trailer. What CGI by todays standards is better than that?

  10. Rob says:

    This movie looks amazing. I went to see the IMAX 3d 15 minute preview, and I really wish it never ended.

    I think the CG does look pretty damn awesome. Not sure what other people are seeing, maybe my vision needs correcting.

    I will admit some scenes did like rendered a little poorer than others, but even those scenes look awesome. I really don’t get what people are seeing to say it looks bad.

    Ohwell :/ I rather not understand people and be happy with what I see than vice versa.

  11. jaffahut says:

    The discussion is not a matter of the CGI being best there is today, it’s about it being revolutionary as Cameron has told. To me, there was nothing ‘new’ in the trailer, BUT as it’s already been said… This movie needs to be seen in actual 3D to experience it.

  12. Sub Effect says:

    The 20 mins footage in 3D is very impressive from a technological pov.

    And some of it is, tbh, really, really beautiful. The jungle night scene is one of the most beautiful special effects I’ve seen.

    The plot and script may be ho-hum but in 3D boy did it look good.

  13. chris....the real one (also a black guy) says:

    i had no previous expectations for the movie or the trailer, and i can honestly say i was very impressed with the trailer

  14. agentdoodles says:

    Really…who cares what other people think…it’s a matter of taste and what looks pleasing to YOUR eye not somebody elses. The trailer looks great with that CGI in my opinion and if someone else thinks different that’s not going to stop me from seeing it. If you like what YOU see and hear…ENJOY!!!!!

  15. AARON says:

    Wow that’s a lot

  16. nixon says:

    You know JOHN you just made me think of something,
    Just because the trailer is weak, doesn’t mean sucks, you give out the point,

    For instance, I find myself that the trailer is crap, though I think the movie is absolutley going to be gorgeous!


    First of all the scenario looks good,
    the characters
    the setting
    the storyline looks good so far,
    and its james cameron.

    And for a fantasy movie, for the first time, I think this movie looks to be good,

    But your right trailer is crap.

    I think you’ could’ve explained that aswell,
    sure the trailr sucks but what do you think so far about the movie that possibility in your mind.

    The way you sound like the movie sucks or the movie looks weak jsut simply because of the trailer crap !

  17. nixon says:

    Oh and the reason why it’s four million viewers, personally id be interested as well, not because its’ james cameron movie, but simply because it supposed to change the film industry !!

    So thats another thing

  18. voloap says:

    i liked the trailer. saw it on HD and you can really see all the details. i have to disagree with you on this one… i think as a movie buff, your opinion on the movie may also be affected by the fact that another movie with the exact same plot was released a few months back. just a thought!

  19. koko says:

    I watched the 16 minutes in 3D and I can honestly say I am looking forward to this movie more than I am looking forward to my first born…

    Hell I wanna watch that 16 minutes again more than my watching first born poop!!

  20. Peter Kraus says:

    I didn’t like the teaser… after watching it I decided that it’s not worth the effort of travelling to another city just to watch 15 min of the movie. I’m waiting for the next trailer now… hope it will change my oppinion. I really was expecting a lot of this movie, but for now it turns out to be James Camerons Episode 1 with CGI same disappointing as King Kong’s :(
    Implementig a CGI character into real world footage is still working a lot better than creating an entire CGI world where inconsistancy is far more obvious.

  21. BamKazaam says:

    It bugs me that the tech on the human side looks like something near of todays kind of look (the walking mechs was cool tho) i was expecting something of a real futuristic design, but this kinda came less than exciting for me, but there were moments in the trailer that really blew me away, like the floating rocks(looks similar to a GW concept art which is amazing) and the battle between the blue cat and the humans, roar! surprisingly enough, the trailer feels and looks like a sci-fantasy epic rather than a sci-fi epic, so we are getting a double treat here from Cameron lol

  22. John says:

    Hands down this must be one of the worst trailers I have ever seen. I am a James Cameron fan but you would have to pay me to see this film.

    • Jake says:

      No way. How many trailers have you seen? Just in the past year I saw the trailer for G-Force and S.Darko, both of which were absolutely horrid. As for this new trailer; well, first of all, it’s just a teaser. A more detailed and indepth trailer will likely come along soon enough. Secondly, the concept is really darn intriguing. I think it’s a great premise.

      Or at least, that’s the way it looks to me.

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