The Movie Blog: Uncut - Sept 17th 2008

Hey there folks! This is your 327th installment of The Movie Blog: Uncut, originally recorded Tuesday September 16th 2008. Doug and I are happy to be joining you on this glorious day as we discuss:

1) Igor reviewed

2) Tom Hanks rules

3) Edward Norton Out of future Hulk films?

4) Tobey Maguire to get $50 million for Spider-Man 4 and 5

5) The thing we all want to know about: Meghan Fox Making out with Russian strippers

6) Taking questions from the live chat board

You can WATCH the show here:

You can listen to or download the audio only version here:


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  • Calviin

    So have you just skipped sharing the Uncut videos and mp3s with your fans? It’s hard to be the best damn podcast when it doesn’t exist for us to see. Can we get a post sometime soon that possibly includes ALL of the videos you’ve held back on us? Please?

  • Darek-T

    what happened to the wed-fri installmints of Uncut?

  • Calviin

    Any chance you’re going to put up the Uncut from yesterday?

  • ADirtyJob

    LOVED the song!

  • Darek-T

    i wish you could download the video version of this.

  • AngrySpider

    Perhaps the segment could be called Ukulele Dreams with Doug Nagy and a poster could be made of him smiling while stabbing two goats in the head with ukuleles. There’s probably a better title but the poster is solid.

  • Flowergurl


    I still remember the day my question got asked on the show..
    [thanks, Mr. Chuck Norris] .. :o)

  • JimYahoo

    Just wiping away the tears of laughter from Doug’s fine Ukulele song!
    “Please sir, I want some more!”
    Mr Nagy sir!

  • Phil Gee

    Thanks for the show and the song guys.