The Movie Blog: Uncut - August 15th 2008

Hey there folks! Welcome to the Friday installment of The Movie Blog: Uncut. This episode was originally recorded live on Friday August 15th 2008. Take off your shoes, kick back, relax and enjoy the show.

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    lol. yeah the superman appearing in batman 3 was a joke.

    and yeah i see your point and its a good one..i hope they can find a way to work that out without fucking up the movie…which isnt going to happen

  • Rick

    Hey John, a little respect for the ‘international friends’ please. your comment about the harold & kumar dvd being out now so ‘who cares’ is a little careless. it’s not out on dvd in Aus yet & yes it is only a harold & kumar turd/flick/movie but i actually have a copy to watch tonight and well doogie dies or something happens to him, whatever, not a big deal in the grand scheme of things but it could have been. so just a thought for next time, most movies are still getting staggered releases worldwide and you have international listeners so at least a spoiler warning please.
    p.s. i took a look over the net at a little ‘milk & cheese’ and if you had of said it was probably the unfunniest comic in the world, then you would have been correct. if you had of said it was amusing you would have been wrong but to rave like you did leads me to believe that you were actually mistaken & thinking of Groo or something else entirely. it was the ratner/boll of comics. good natured ribbing aside, looking forward to the podcast daily-ness.


    Hazmat: Re Batman: I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. But IF Bale was going to be in a JL movie then his Batman would have to be changed and that would undoubtedly dilute his character.

    And I would be VERY surprised (and pissed off) if Superman appeared at the end of Batman 3. Nolan’s films are legitimate films, not lame crossover vehicles.

    Re Star Wars: I have to say you are deluded if you think that then. Star Wars IS NOT made for 30 year olds or the people who originally saw them when they were released. Star Wars changes to keep up with the eras. Fanboys also need to change but are highly reluctant to do so. You had your Star Wars experience now let the kids of today have theirs.

    Campea: My point is George Miller is a talented storyteller. When The Road Warrior came out I doubt anyone could would expect him to make some like Babe. Babe is a fantastic film and if the JL movie is made with the same care and attention people should be happy. Besides, JL will be a family film. No doubt about that.

    Re Stars Wars: Big Bird would be wrong in a Star Wars film because he is a Sesame Street character not a Star Wars character. It would also just as wrong to put Pinhead or Hannibal Lector in a Star Wars film. The girl is not that much of a departure for a Star Wars film. In fact she is a lot like C-3PO and R2-D2 if they were written for today’s audience.

    Star Wars was never a musical (to my knowledge) so a hip hop (my kids certainly aren’t fans of this by the way) so would be once again out of place.

    DRAGONSLAYER: It’s great when a film comes out that both adults and kids can enjoy, however that doesn’t invalidate films that are aimed at kids. Kids are humans too and they should have entertainment made for them. If I made a drug movie like Pineapple Express I don’t expect people who never touched the stuff to find it as amusing as people who do. If I made a film for teenage girls like Travelling I don’t expect teenage boys to like it. If I made a film about the daily lives of people in Poland I don’t expect an American to be as affected by it as a Polish person.

    I’m going to assume that you don’t have kids (and if that is true why watch Clone Wars?) but if or when you do you may appreciate what I’m saying more. I watched Ratatouille with my son and half way through he went to play his toys though I loved the film. He was enthralled by Clone Wars but I’d give it a 5/10. But I don’t hate the film because I see it for what it is whereas fanboys seem to expect a “real Star Wars film” from it and hate because it’s not and was never intended to be.

  • Jeff


    Are you guys ever going to make the show available on the Zune Marketplace?!?!



    cuz that guy would suck if hes in any way the next villain…

    cuz my friend sayd his name was mister reese… since its like mysteries?

    thanx for clearing that up guys….

    okay….coinsidence then…i dont read much DC stuff though im more (no. im completely into) into marvel…so im ignorant when it comes to batmans villains (usually)

  • aaron

    um no the riddlers name is edward nigma

  • bjon86

    @ HAZMAT

    The Joker’s name is Edward Nigma so what’s the significance with the Reese guy?

  • George

    Ummm when you all of you folks talk about JLA and you say that you can’t have 2 superman francshises and 2 batman franchises I get a little confused.

    while I get what you mean about batman - you are of course referring to the nolan franchise but what is the other superman franchise you refer to??

    You don’t mean the routh/singer superman “franchise” do you?? Are people still under the delusion that there is going to be a follow up to Superman Returns??

    That ship not only sailed it also tragically sunk claiming the lives of everyone on board.
    There will not be another Superman Returns.
    It will be Superman Reboots.