Burn After Reading Review

Thank you for checking out our Burn After Reading Review. If you’d like to see the video version of our Burn After Reading Review you can watch it at the bottom of this post.

The General Idea

Plot synopsis from IMDB: A disk containing the memoirs of a CIA agent ends up in the hands of two unscrupulous gym employees who attempt to sell it.

The Good

Nihilistic Delight

This was a very quirky lighthearted film for a dark nihilistic comedy. I was amazed at how frivolous they were able to keep this film with so many dark themes bubbling underneath and the ongoing, compounding tragedies that culminated in a vicious crescendo.

The Players

The performances in the film were outstanding; everyone played their characters as caricatures, in fairy tale fashion. Brad Pitt (Chad Feldheimer) is a gum chewing gym dude, McDormand (Linda Litzke) is his self loathing, lonely co-worker. Malcovitch (Osborne Cox)is an alcoholic ivy league grad that won’t let anyone forget it (including himself), Swinton (Katie Cox) is his mechanical, opportunistic wife that seeks an exit from matrimony the moment he ceases to bring home a check. George Clooney (Harry Pfarrer) bangs the gang together (pun intended) through his adulterous addiction.

The Theme Of Vanity

I like the Coen Brothers quite a lot, and consider them to be among the greatest artists in their field. Much of this has to do with their execution of themes; you have to read between the lines and search them yourself. In this film the common thread of Vanity was stitched throughout. Vanity of Vanities all is vanity! decreed the prophet of Ecclesiastes (and this very well could have been an alternate title for this film). When someone is consumed by vanity, that which is unimportant becomes all consuming.

Linda Litzke is a middle aged character that looks just fine, but is terrified about getting older. When the opportunity presents itself to blackmail Osborne Cox, she is able to justify it because the money will pay for her plastic surgeries; the highest good. Chad Feldheimer, who serves as an avatar of vanity in this film, continually whispers positive affirmation in her ear, like the devil on her shoulder.
Malcovitch is an intellectual drunk, who gets fired from his job because of his problem; but continually refuses to admit that he has one. Because of his intellect and pedigree he feels free from reproach and above mortal men. When “2 idiots” seek to blackmail him over a disk of personal information, his ego flares up and propels him toward needless confrontation. The fact that lesser humans feel they have the right to expect anything from him, causes him to defend his honor, his pride, his ego; the very things that fuel his vanity.

The vanity of intellect meets the vanity of body and all sorts of fallout happens as a result, and at the end of the day - it was much ado about nothing. That which is all consuming to the vain is nonsense to the outsider. Only when you remember that all is vanity are you free to walk the path of wisdom. The path of wisdom and the path of vanity may have the same destination, but on the path of wisdom you are able to enjoy the surroundings. With vanity, you chase the wind.

The Bad

I didn’t care for many of the haircuts, especially Brad Pitt’s getup - but that was the point.


No Country was a heavy nihilistic tale; this one was light and airy, fun and fluffy. I thought that the feel of the film was a perfect way to tell the story and illuminate the themes. I enjoy dark comedies very much, and this was a good one indeed. Out of 10, I would give this film an 8.

You can watch the video version of the Burn After Reading review here:

17 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Dragonslayer

    I totally wanna see this this weekend!

  2. nbakid2000

    I literally just got back from seeing this movie….

    It wasn’t what I was expecting but I ended up enjoying it a lot.

    The first 15-20 minutes I was bored to tears and thought it was gonna end up being a not so good movie. Then I started to get into it and man. The acting in this movie was awesome, (Pitt is to this movie as Cruise is to Tropic Thunder) and I thought everyone knocked it out of the park.

    I ended up liking it….I will say the end is a BIT like “No Country”…not a ton, but I think people may be able to see the similarity…

    Anyway, if you’re expecting a balls-out comedy with this movie, you’re not gonna get it. There ARE a lot of laughs in it but they’re spread thin.

    Anyway, good movie, not what I was expecting, but totally worth checking out.

  3. Ransom Betty

    Good review thanks Doug!

  4. RyanMag

    Man, I thought I pulled a lot of meaning out of that film, but you totally hit it with the vanity theme. Like, that was a HOLY SHIT moment when you said that.

    best line

    “We have…your shit.”

  5. Mr.Death

    Got back from seeing it, and It was brilliant! One of my favorite movies this year.

  6. Doug Nagy

    The deliver of the line We have…your shit was incredible

  7. Doug Nagy

    The delivery of the line We have…your shit was incredible

  8. RyanMag


    Another line just popped in my head when I woke up this morning:

    Brad Pitt with squinty eyes: “Looks can be very…deceptive.”

    Malkovich: “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!”

    Brad Pitt: “Looks can be….deceptive.”

  9. chris (the real one)

    saw it yesterday and loved it……the 2 cia guys that were discussing everything that happened was great……george clooney was gold as well…..good review great flick….

  10. Meli

    Nice review. I can’t wait to see this movie.

  11. Salem

    I’ve been waiting to see this for a while now, glad to see it’s getting good reviews. And, I like the contrast to NCFOM you made.A lot of the themes the Coen brothers play on is part of nihilism in humanity.

  12. Orange

    Brad Pitt one of my favorite acter. I can’t wait to see this movie also.

  13. dude

    Dude, next time around cut the bullshit and just review the fuckin’ movie.

  14. doug nagy

    It rules brah! - There you go.

  15. DJ Machismo

    Didn’t think it was all that good.

    Good acting, some good lines at times and interspersed laughs. However everything in between was just damn boring.

    But thats about it.

    Not worth a second watch from me.

  16. Brad

    This is one of the one of the worst movies i’ve seen in a long time with such good actors.

  17. annie

    Dont kid yourself. The movie was pointless, not a single person laughed, and it sucks overall.

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