Dennis Farina Arrested With Gun At Airport
One of my favorite supporting actors in the business as long as I can remember has always been Dennis Farina. This dude just scares the hell out of me. No, he doesn’t LOOK all that physically intimidating… but if that man looked me in the eyes and said “I’m going to kill you kid” I would believe him without hesitation.
But even the mighty Dennis Farina has lines he shouldn’t cross. And trying to bring a loaded gun onto an airplane at LAX is probably one of those pesky little lines. The folks at Yahoo give us this:
Actor Dennis Farina was charged with a felony Sunday at Los Angeles International Airport after a loaded gun was found in his carry-on luggage. When the weapon was discovered at a security checkpoint, the 64-year-old actor said he had forgotten the .22-caliber handgun was in his luggage, police said. Farina was booked for investigation of carrying a concealed weapon, said Sgt. Dennis Beacham. Bail was set at $25,000 before police discovered the weapon was not registered. Charges were upgraded to a felony, and he is now being held in lieu of $35,000 bail.
I hope they have a couple of seasoned veterans guarding his cell… if it’s some rookie, Farina might use some of his jedi powers, wave his hand in front of the kid’s face and say “Open the door or I’ll kill you”.
5 Comments, Comment or Ping
Darren J Seeley
Farina is one of my favorite character actors as well- some of his best work was on the 80’s series set in the 60’s- “Crime Story”, which I loved. But about the story…it’s a shock, considering that before becoming an actor, Farina was a Chicago police officer!
So this ‘unregistered weapon’ stuff is just crazy. Farina of all people!
I’m pretty sure he’ll cooperate. As for forgetting one’s handgun is within carry on luggage getting on a plane? Maybe. But..why did he forget to register it?
May 11th, 2008
He better be praying to Barry, Patron Saint of well groomed mustaches.
May 11th, 2008
Steve L.
I have two pistols - can someone tell me how to “register” them so I don’t suffer this fate?
In the burbs of Chicago (Where I live) I am allowed to possess firearms but not carry concealed or otherwise. In no state that I know of do you have to register each and every firearm you own. When you purchase a firearm from a dealer - BATF gets a copy of the info, but that isn’t registration.
Every time I hear about someone getting busted for an ‘unregistered firearm’ it turns out later that they were just not legally allowed to posses such item (or carry it about their person). Farina as an ex-LEO is allowed to carry concealed (at least in his home state). This is a dumb charge and it should never have gotten trumped up to a felony.
May 12th, 2008
digital drew
“Shut up and sit down, you big, bald f##k”
May 12th, 2008
There’s a Midnight Run joke here somewhere, but I have other things to do.
May 12th, 2008
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