Kill Bill Animated to Intermission the Whole Bloody Affair
Ah the tease of the DVD double dip. Kill Bill has been tempting us with a deluxe Whole Bloody Affair Kill Bill that combines Vol 1&2 together as one movie and now Uma Thurman talks about the animated bit that would serve as an intermission.
Cinematical says:
One anime companion film has been made, and Thurman says: “It has nothing to do with me. It has to do with another character. You’ll have to see.” This, as MTV points out, probably means an extra helping of Bill himself. But she also says that this short could be part of a larger re-release, sort of Grindhouse style. “Right now he’s putting the two films together with an intermission with an added anime sequence he had already written. So additional stories are in there, in animation.”
Now this implies that it might even happen but I am not holding my breath as it was nearly a year ago that they said the deluxe merged films would be released.
But it is one step closer. And when I stand up, I am closer to the sun than when I was sitting.
We will see.
8 Comments, Comment or Ping
How long is this movie now? I still want to buy it but now it’s up there with Apocalypse Now Reduxe or LOTR: Return of the King in terms of length.
Apr 23rd, 2008
Talk about leaving a carbon footprint.
What a huge scam this is.
I really feel bad for anyone that spends good cash on this BS. Even getting this on Bluray is a waste.
You can find both KB 1 & 2 in the bargin bin for 5 bucks each.
Quentin should spend time working on a new film not thinking up ways to milk his ever shrinking fanbase.
What crock !!!
Apr 23rd, 2008
They missed the boat on this one. I got both movies already. I can watch them back to back. Nobody cares anymore.
Apr 23rd, 2008
What Ever I love Kill Bill and if comes out on blue ray with vol 1 and 2 combined I would love it. And yea there is a huge difference in picture quality if you can not tell than stop starring at a fucking computer all dam day. And the intermission could be cool i would like to see them ad the scenes they took out at lest the good one where Bill fights a street gang it is one of the deleted scenes. So yea I will buy it.
Apr 23rd, 2008
chris (the real one)
i still havent bought either of the dvds so i cant wait for this. ive been waiting for the whole bloody affair and the grindhouse double disk. i hope i dont have to wait as long as i did for the pulp fiction special edition
Apr 23rd, 2008
Phil Gee
Now at least we know why it’s taking so bloody long to get this out; just hurry up.
Apr 23rd, 2008
(Yoda voice) hmmm I sense much anger in ezell.
Apr 23rd, 2008
I already have the standard releases and the japanese boxsets, so I’m in no rush until the ultimate edition hits HD and is cheap.
There are fewer things more ridiculous than a fanbase BEGGING to give you money and no product coming forth to take advantage of it…
Apr 23rd, 2008
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