Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull at Cannes
Looks like Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull will be making an appearance at Cannes but won’t be competing for any of its awards.
TotalFilm says:
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull will make its debut at Cannes. Like the every blockbuster that’s appeared at the Festival, it won’t be entered in competition for the Palme D’Or
I don’t personally see a problem with a film being offered up at a FILM FESTIVAL, but I am puzzled why you would bother to put a movie up as part of the lineup and then NOT let it compete.
Is this not the POINT of a film festival?
I have always set in my mind that Film Festivals would be places that indie films and less popular categories of the craft were presented for the discerning public to take advantage of. Kind of like the artsy elite.
But lately it just seems that these art films are getting overshadowed by the big money of Hollywood for the unashamed purpose of promotion. That takes away something from the idea of a film festival to me.
Maybe I am just off about what a film festival should be, but I think wide release blockbusters really have no place there. Those quality fest films that get wide released after showcasing at a festival EARN their recognition among Hollywood films. Don’t let them show these type of films unwilling to compete and leave room for more of the deserving movies that are willing to compete that wouldn’t get noticed if not for a festival.
Unless they are going to compete against others of its class…. oh wait.. thats what Oscars are for. Everyday at your local cineplex is a film festival.
5 Comments, Comment or Ping
So you’re against blockbuster films appearing at festivals if they’re not going to compete? But if they are you have no problem with them. Is that correct?
Apr 24th, 2008
I thought that was the point of the festival but I am just a lowly projectionist, I don’t have any influence on how and when movies are released. Actually, I am content in not making decisions like that. I would not want people like me to scrutinize my every move. :P
Apr 24th, 2008
Competing for an award is not always the point for film festivals. Cannes is not only a film festival it is also a film marked and it’s the biggest one of its kind and EVERYONE in the film industry will be there so films that people are greatly anticipating get the honor of being shown there.
Plus there is just no way in hell a film like Indiana Jones would have any chance of winning anything at Cannes to begin with so there is no point in having it compete. It’s just PR, nothing more.
Apr 24th, 2008
NBAkid, I said I was under the impression that blockbuster films didnt belong … at all.
They compete on a completely different level. The boxoffice.
Film Festival stuff is made for the art. Hollywood is made for the mighty dollar. Sometimes there is a little crossover.
Apr 24th, 2008
Movies are shown at festivals without competing all the time. No biggie.
Apr 24th, 2008
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