Transformers Moving Off Of July 4th Weekend (John’s Prediction)
The producers of Die Hard 4 must be breathing a glorious sigh of relief this morning. Why? Because it looks like Paramount has moved the release date of The Transformers off of July 4th onto another unamed July date… and that was a smart move.
Don’t get me wrong, Transformers was going to kick the shit out of Die Hard 4 at the Box Office… BUT… DIe Hard 4 is going to attract much of the same audience as Transformers, and even though Transformers would “win” the weekend… the fact of the matter is that Die Hard was still going to take a lot of the weekend money away. I’ve been saying for months that having these two movies open on the same weekend was just pure stupidity on both studios part. One of them needed to move.
So why did Transformers move instead of Die Hard 4? I think the answer is easy. July 4th is a patriotic weekend… and let’s face it, Die Hard follows more in that theme (even though Bay is directing Transformers).
The first “announcement trailer” for The Transformers proclaimed “July 4″… but this new Transformers trailer just says “July”. Personally, I think it’s obvious that someone over at Paramount realized it would be the smart move to take Transformers off July 4th. It makes sense, and is good for both Transformers and Die Hard 4.
1. Kneon Transitt replies at 21st December 2006, 1:12 pm :
Still says “7.4.7″ on the main movie website page. They’ve locked in that date for over two years now… can’t imagine them changing it?
However, if you watch the trailer on the official site now — you’re in for an extra surprise. Cullen speaks. Very end of the trailer. Yes indeedy. My opinion of the trailer has been bumped up a few notches.
A little nostalgia goes a long way…
2. C.J. replies at 21st December 2006, 1:22 pm :
I saw the same thing on the version I watched, 7-4-07. John was info based on a press release or an inference made due to the trailer??
3. Jay replies at 21st December 2006, 1:23 pm :
It was indeed a good move.
I know some people are going to say that this is a sign that Paramount “knows” the movie sucks and are afraid to go against Die Hard. Haters are so predictable.
It just makes good business sense. Come out 1 or 2 weeks later and give Die hard a chance to run most of it’s course. It would be like trying to have The Dark Knight and Spiderman 3 come out on the same day. Just because one decides to move doesnt mean that they are scared, it just means that they each want to do as much business as possible but they know they are attempting to attract basically the same audience.
I know I would have seen Transformers over Die Hard but not everyone shares that feeling. Why cut your opening take in half when you could just delay it for a week or two and have the weekend to yourself.
4. C.J. replies at 21st December 2006, 1:23 pm :
Sorry, I worded that wrong, I meant to say
“John, Was this info based on a press release or an inference made from the trailer?”
Sorry for the confusion.
5. John Campea replies at 21st December 2006, 1:29 pm :
Hey guys,
Sorry, i thought the body of the post made it clear. I’ve changed the title of the post to make it more clear. Thanks for the feedback.
6. C.J. replies at 21st December 2006, 1:33 pm :
Thanks for the clarification.
7. Kneon Transitt replies at 21st December 2006, 1:37 pm :
Hmm. A game of chicken? Who’s gunna move first? Like I said, Transformers has been locked into 7.4.7 for years now. Could happen, but I’d think Die Hard would move first.
However, moving either one of these flicks would put them in direct competition with Harry Potter, and that’s definitely not a good place to be…
8. Alex replies at 21st December 2006, 1:48 pm :
No, John is wrong, completely wrong. He made this up because if you watch the BRITISH version of the trailer (which was the one that got released in the morning and everyone watched) it only says “July” because in ENGLAND it doesn’t come out July 4 (that weekend means nothing to them anyway…).
But in America it is STILL set for July 4 and won’t change (except to maybe Wednesday, July 2). John is just an idiot…
9. Jay replies at 21st December 2006, 1:50 pm :
Damn, I forgot about Harry Potter coming out on the 13th.
Screw Die Hard. Let them move to the 20th. Like Kneon said, Transformers has had the 4th locked for over a year.
10. Jay replies at 21st December 2006, 1:53 pm :
Hey Alex,
I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings but you should probably refrain from calling someone else an idiot when you have a huge error in you post.
July 4th is a wednesday. The 2nd would put it on a monday.
11. Jay replies at 21st December 2006, 1:54 pm :
here’s a little help for ya -
12. Alex replies at 21st December 2006, 2:02 pm :
Ok, I’ll admit my mistake on the date confusion there. But John is still wrong. Transformers won’t be moving. His guess is based off of exactly what I said above, and if you use simple common sense you’ll realize that the American sites (and the trailer) all still say 7-4-7. Stop trusting every last word John says… he’s definitely wrong in this situation.
“The first ‘announcement trailer’ for The Transformers proclaimed ‘July 4′… but this new Transformers trailer just says ‘July’.”
13. Jay replies at 21st December 2006, 2:18 pm :
I know most of the other stuff still says the 4th, I just thought that maybe John had seen something I hadnt.
It’s not a question of believing everything he says it was the belief that John wouldnt put up a post proclaiming “Transformers moving off July 4th weekend” when in actuality it was just something he THINKS will happen. I thought he had access to the facts to back it up and knew what he was talking about. It was an error in judgement on my part.
14. Jay replies at 21st December 2006, 2:22 pm :
If it move, it moves. If it doesnt move then it doesnt move.
Either way, whatever weekend it comes out, Transformers will be the movie I go see that weekend.
I had not been to the other sites before I came here today. I thought it might have been a late breaking announcment. Sorry.
15. Chisox replies at 21st December 2006, 3:05 pm :
WOW! This is crazy. I can’t believe Paramount allowed Fox to bully them out of the most lucrative box office weekend of the year. Paramount had staked claim to the July 4th weekend long before Fox. Where would they move to? Any weekend they move to they will be up against fierce competition.
June 29 -Pixars Ratatouille
-Live Free or Die Hard- date reported by wiki
July 6 - Well Transformers has this weekend for themselves
July 13th - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
July 20th- Adam Sandlers film (If they move to any other date in July this would probably be it.)
July 27th- Simpson’s Movie
July 4th falls on a wednesday so Paramount might be afraid to push their film out 2 days early because of what many people though happened to Superman this year. I personally don’t think that’s why it didn’t live up to expectation, but what ever. I MOST LIKELY WILL BE RELEASED JULY 6th were it was originally announced.
16. kobe replies at 21st December 2006, 3:42 pm :
sorry, youre wrong. IN THE TRAILER TOWARDS THE BEGINNING, IT ACTUALLY SAYS ON JULY 4TH.. then at the end of the trailer it does just say july. but it did indeed also say july 4th. but yeah someone def needs to move, im thinking die hard will scare away though.
17. Terry replies at 21st December 2006, 3:48 pm :
John is 100% right. Some of the stuff may still say the 4th… but it will move. Not because it’s afraid of Die Hard, but because another date will make better sense for it. Just wait and see.
18. Kristina replies at 21st December 2006, 3:52 pm :
Die Hard will move. Who was begging for a sequel to that?
19. Chisox replies at 21st December 2006, 4:13 pm :
Die Hard is slated for June 29 it doesn’t have to move.
20. Jarred replies at 21st December 2006, 4:24 pm :
The IMDB says Die hard is set for a July 4th Release in the US. If they did change it to June sometime that would removie the need for Transformers to change dates.
21. Sean replies at 21st December 2006, 4:25 pm :
To Alex. John is an idiot? Seems to me he’s never been wrong yet, no matter how many morons like you call him names (Halo anyone?)
I think he’s wrong on this count though. I don’t think TF will cahnge dates at all.
22. Spazmo replies at 21st December 2006, 8:04 pm :
God damn…just wait and see
Enough with the name calling…who knows…maybe it will be cancelled.
Anything can happen, and anything can be moved or cancelled. Look at what happened with Will and Grace…WILL AND GRACE…
…I think I just filled my adult diaper
23. darren j seeley replies at 21st December 2006, 10:28 pm :
Well, this is good news.
An extra week to work on last minute editing on Tranformers (hey, could be something like that) or just the knowledge that most films have the holiday itself to compete with.
I won’t bother with Die Hard 3 myself either way. But I think someone mentioned the soon to fail ‘Simpsons’ film; (and yes, it will fail) and somewhere in the Fox shuffle is FanFour 2. Fox won’t release anything to compete with itself I don’t think. Paramount has tons of room- and perhaps, just perhaps they see WB’s Harry Potter and smell some blood…or take away Potter’s weekend.
24. Wormwood replies at 22nd December 2006, 2:57 am :
Who takes more between TF and Die Hard is still anyone’s guess, at best.
A certain niche audience, though far from each film’s main target audience: are females. While a few to some may wish to check out the new Die Hard (Some have an unhealthy crush on Mr. Willis), fewer females would be determined to see Transformers. That, contrasted with TF’s advantages over Die Hard (PG over R rating to name one) could cancel each other out.
25. Phil Gee replies at 22nd December 2006, 8:40 am :
It’s true John, it does say ‘on July 4th’ towards the start of the trailer. I think it would be a terribler thing for Transformers to budge this late in the game. They are clearly the stronger competitor (Die-Hard 4 is not going to get the children in).
Also, without wishing to get to gung-ho about it, this looks like Fox trying to get payback. They had to move Fantastic Four 2’s release date because of Transformers and Die Hard 4 is another Fox movie. They’re just looking for a fight and seeing if Paramount will blink…..they shouldn’t.
Plus, as it’s been pointed out, the rest of the summer is ridiculously packed. DH4 should move to late June and that be the end of it.
26. Eric replies at 22nd December 2006, 9:41 am :
The trailer still says in the begining “On July 4, our world will be transformed” and then at the very end again the dates 7.4.7.
So, I don’t know where you’re getting this moved off July 4th info from, but it’s not from the new trailer.
27. Eric replies at 22nd December 2006, 9:48 am :
Recalling my last post. For some reason, when I posted, all these other responses weren’t here already. Seems like John’s been bashed enough. ;)
Either way, the trailer rocks. It’s a little dark, but I like that. Can’t wait.
28. Alfredo replies at 26th December 2006, 5:31 pm :
I understand what you’re saying John but here’s the thing: I’ve seen Bruce in Die Hard three times already. No one has seen a live action Transformers movie EVER. In fact there’s more than a few sequels coming out next summer. Transformers will kick all form of ASS.