Remember that show Nikita based losley on the movie La Feme Nikita?¬† Well our own Darren Conley used to do a bunch of extra work for film and TV.¬† Here he is in Nikita. When the 5 bad asses come walking down the stairs, he’s the only one with the facial hair.¬†
Now he does The Audio Edition on Mondays.  Life can be cruel.
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Tee hee, sounds like henchman for hire Conley has his own theme tune.
That is some enviable facial hair, Mr Conley. All that and the hammer? You’re almost as manly as Kurt Russell! Congratulations.
He looks like my 10th grade Criminal Justice teacher.
completely 180ed from what I expected you to look like, Darren.
you REALLY DO look kinda arabic.
It looks like he can actually kick the crap out you lol.
Autograph please!
It’s awesome. I wish i was on TV :(
Whadya guys sucking up for? You going to ask Darren for a few bucks?
I’d say less bad ass, and more goonish. But hey, the world needs goons so the geeks know their places!
Darren looks bad ass.
Darren looks scary :(
John you just have to see this
I piss myself laughing
Holy shit he looks a total bad ass.