Archive for April, 2006

New Superman Returns Footage

People are so nice. Special thanks to David for sending me this new Superman Returns footage clip. Unlike the X-Men 3 clip below (which really disappointed me), this clip looks pretty sweet indeed.

I should say that it’s not really a “clip” per se. It’s a couple as of yet unseen segments thrown together. I believe the clip is part of an Austrailian Coke commercial. God bless the Aussies.

So yeah, I like what I’m seeing, and I think Brandon Routh is looking like a better and better choice to play the Man of Steel all the time. You can see the Superman Returns footage here. Make sure you drop into the comments section and tell me what you think about it. Enjoy!

X-Men 3 Sentinel Clip

Sentinel Head X-MenX-Men 3 draweth near. One of the bigger questions a lot of people have had about the new X film is weather or not the Sentinels would be making an appearance or not. Personally I didn’t really care. But for all you folks who ARE hoping to see then Sentinels, I bring you good news. They are indeed in the film, and we’ve got the video evidence.

Special thanks to Nader for sending me this clip.

The clip is basically some BAD dialog with a crappy Colossus visual effect. However, Colossus and Wolverine do a cannon ball special… and Wolverine does cut off the Sentinel’s head… so it’s not a total loss.

Take a look at the clip and let me know what you think.

Audio Edition - April 28th

Audio Edition - April 28th 2006
Welcome to The Audio Edition. On this installment we discuss:

1) Comments section and the fury over Doug’s lack of hosting ability.

2) Star Trek Gossip

3) Caprica

4) Pathfinder Trailer

5) Iron Man

6) Thor

And other very exciting nonsense…

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

You can download this installment of The Audio Edition here.

To subscribe to the podcast of The Audio Edition on iTunes copy this link and then paste it into iTunes-Advanced-Subscribe to Podcast.

Thor Movie Gets New Writer

Thor MovieSome time ago we reported that there was indeed a Thor movie in development. It still is, but apparently there is a new writer attached to it. Poseidon scribe Mark Protosevich has now taken over the Vallhalah (sp?) assignment.

What I find interesting is how he describes the project. I’m not a Thor fan, but I’d be curious to see what Thor fans think of this. The following is from the good folks at AICN:

“In the comics, the stories that appealed to me most were the features called ‘Tales of Asgard,’ ” CAA-repped Protosevich said. “They were very much based on the traditional Norse myths and how the relationship between being like Thor and Loki and Thor and Odin, and how these beings manifested themselves. I don’t want to give too much away, but I will say the movie will take place in the world of myth and legend but will not betray some of the thematic elements of the comics that made them so appealing, like the idea of a god growing to truly understand man.”

What do you guys think? That that sound consistent with the comic or is it a new approach. I’m sure Doug will have something to say about it on The Audio Edition tonight.

How To Survive A Robot Uprising Gets Mike Myers

What’s this?!?! Mike Myers is about to star in something that doesn’t have the words “Austin Powers” in it? Wow! Word is Myers has singed on to star in the film “How To Survive A Robot Uprising”.

The good folks over at Cinescape give us the following run down on the project:

The story centers on a technical administrator who has the thankless job of sounding warnings against the growing presence of robots and researching ways to keep those robots from taking over.

Ok, sounds like it could be fun. But wasn’t’ this movie just out a little over year ago? Oh yeah… it was called “I, Robot”. Still, it’ll be nice to see Myers up on the screen again. So I Married An Axe Murderer is still one of my all time favorite comedies.

Jon Favreau To Direct Iron Man

The new Iron Man movie project has finally got itself a firm director. Jon Favreau is taking the reigns and apparently the studio is now fast tracking the project. I have mixed feelings about this.

First of all I think Iron Man will make for a great comic-book movie. The character is interesting with some great flaws (I think good flaws make the best heroes). I also LOVE Jon Favreau. However…

I like Jon Favreau as an ACTOR. I always think he does a great job (Loved him in Daredeveil, Swingers, The Replacements… ect.). I’m NOT so sure of him as a director. “Made” was ok, “Elf” was carried by Will Ferrel, and Zathura was not so great. Yes, he’s a geek at heart an loves Iron Man… but loving something doesn’t make you good at it. I LOVE hockey with a passion… but the Toronto Maple Leafs aren’t about to invite me to a try out.

Man, I hope he can pull this off. I do like his style, so there is certainly hope.

I’m reserving judgement for now. Let’s just see how things unfold.

The Assassination of Jesse James Trailer

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford has a teaser trailer up and online. I really liked it as far as a simple teaser trailer goes. And man… Brad Pitt looks badass.

Now, I think Brad Pitt is probably one of the 5 most gifted actors working today. A lot of people disagree with me, but I think the guy is amazing. Casey Affleck is a wild card… I don’t know what to expect from him. This is however his big chance to show he can hold his own in a major role. It won’t be easy playing next to Pitt. I’m curious to see what he can do.

You can see The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford teaser trailer here.

Battlestar Galactica Spin-off “Caprica”

The new Battlestar Galactica is, in my opinion, the single best television series in history. I know that sounds like an exaggeration (something which I am admittedly prone to when talking about film or TV), but I’m dead serious about this. And even though its only had 2 seasons, the producers have already announced that they are preparing to do a spin-off called “Caprica”

If I understand it all correctly, the show (Caprica) will take place about 30-50 years in the past, right at the time when the colonies first create the cylons. And of coarse the Battlestar Galactica itself will be there (Since it’s the oldest ship in the fleet)

Personally, I’m happy to hear this… although even I’ll admit it seems a bit early to be developing a spin-off show before the main show has even hit season 3. We’ll just see how this turns out.

Why I Hate The Jews

I never cease to be amazed by how we as a society tend to make broad stroking generalizations about people by their isolated opinions about movies. Sounds strange doesn’t it?

I remember a few years ago, it was getting close to Oscar season and I mentioned to a person I didn’t know very well that while I loved Schindler’s List, I didn’t think it was necessarily the best movie of the year. The person looked at me for a moment and HONESTLY asked me “What do you have against the Jewish people?” No, I’m not kidding.

As most of you know I had a similar situation happen just recently. I made some comments regarding Brokeback Mountain and how I didn’t think it deserved to be nominated for Best Film of the year. I was then flooded with emails and comments (even some newspapers) basically insinuating that I hated gay people. Nice.

Or take Fahrenheit 9/11. I liked it as a film, and instantly I had people all over the place labeling me a bleeding heart liberal. Feels like no one has any perspective anymore.

But I’m not the only one this happens to. Look at Clint Eastwood and his movie Million Dollar Baby. Great film. But as the risk of giving the ending away (spoiler alert), just because the girl dies at the end… assisted… people started picketing public appearances by Eastwood saying that he hates handicapped people. All because he told a story. I imagine as tough as he is, that must have hurt.

Or even Mel Gibson. He makes a movie about Jesus (which millions of people wanted to see) and even before the movie was finished or shown to anyone, people started bashing him as a religious zealot who joined me in my apparent hatred of the Jewish people (you know… which is obvious since I didn’t think it should have won best picture).

I’m sure I’m missing a million other examples… but you get the point. Movies are wonderful, but for some reason we tend to paint a person… I mean their whole character… in the light of one singe movie they make, or opinion they have about a certain movie. Doesn’t seem fair… and the fact of the matter is we all do it.

No real point or “moral of the story” to this post. Just the thoughts rolling through my head today that I though I’d share. Your thoughts?

Jason Lee Voice of Underdog

I’ve already mentioned on here that I have less than zero interest in the upcoming Underdog movie. I didn’t like it much as a show when I was a little kid, and I certainly don’t have any interest for it now. This however, is an interesting bit of news:

The great guys over at filmjunk are reporting that Jason Lee (My Name Is Earl) is signed up to do the voice work for the Doggy hero. Here’s what they had to say:

I loved Lee’s voice work in The Incredibles and he could really add a lot of humour to this flick. It works out well for him as well since he won’t have to shave his Earl moustache to get work! Also announced is Peter Dinklage (Elf) as Underdog’s arch enemy, Barsinister. The movie has begun filming and will be released sometime in 2007.

Does this make my interest level in an Underdog movie go up? Maybe just a touch. I do love Jason Lee.

New Star Trek NOT About Young Kirk

Ok, now last week we reported on a story that J.J. Abrams was handed the reigns of the Star Trek franchise and would be overseeing a new Star Trek feature film. Great.

We also reported to you that the story of said new film would revolve around a younger version of Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the gang all hanging out in their academy days. Think of Star Trek meets Saved By The Bell. NOT SO GREAT!

Well, about a week after the storm, Abrams has now come out and said that reports of that story line aren’t true. He didn’t come out and say what the story WAS going to be about… but he just said that a young Kirk story wouldn’t be it. I think that sounds fishy.

As the good folks over at Cinema Blend pointed out, the rumors on this one came from some pretty reliable sources… and they were bang on correct about Abrams involvement. And why did they wait a week to come out and say the reports about a young Kirk storyline were wrong? Here’s my theory:

I think the reports were correct, and that having read the huge negative reaction to the news around the web, they backtracked. Now let me be clear about this… I have NOTHING… TOTALLY NOTHING to back that up with. It’s just what I believe. Judge for yourself.

Pathfinder Trailer

The new Pathfinder trailer has hit the net. Now seriously folks, what is there not to like about a movie where the Viking hordes accidentally leave behind one of their small boys amongst the North American natives, and that small boy grows up to the the hero of his new adopted people against the very Vikings who left him behind? Classic!

Also going for Pathfinder is the fact that Karl Urban is in it. This guy has all the tools to be the next great action hero. He’s got the charisma, and he also has something a lot of other “action hero” types don’t have… actual acting talent.

However, the Pathfinder trailer left me a little underwhelmed. It’s seems pretty small scale, and perhaps that’s just because it has a low budget (I don’t actually know if it does or not). But overall I felt dissatisfied with the trailer. Judge for yourself.

You can see the Pathfinder trailer here.

Audio Edition - April 26st

Audio Edition - April 26st 2006
Welcome to The Audio Edition. On this installment Jay and Sean from join Doug for discussion on the following topics:

1) Hot Docs Festival in Toronto

2) Darkon

2) Werner Herzog

3) Pathfinder and the need for more barbarian movies.

4) Transformers the Movie

5) INXS movie

6) United 93

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

You can download this installment of The Audio Edition here.

To subscribe to the podcast of The Audio Edition on iTunes copy this link and then paste it into iTunes-Advanced-Subscribe to Podcast.

Hugo Weaving As The Joker?

Hugo-Weaving JokerYes yes more Joker news. But I just had to report this one. Another name has surfaced that was apparently being batted around (get it??? “Batted” around? hahaha… oh shut up). Agent Smith/Lord Elrond/Terrorist Code Named V himself Hugo Weaving.

According to reports over at the oddly accurate fan site Batman On Film.Com, Hugo Weaving’s name was talked about by the studios before, and is now being considered again.

Ok, I really don’t know what to think anymore. I change my mind on this issue faster than a politician the day after elections. But man I would LOVE to see Weaving as the clown prince of crime. This guy is just AMAZING and always solid (His ability in V for Vendetta was Oscar worthy. How the hell do you emote so much feeling and emotion with a frigging mask on the whole movie?!?!?!

Anyway, see the poll below and register your thoughts.

Who Do YOU Want To See Play The Joker?

jokerYou know, with all of the Joker rumours and discussion going on, I thouht I’d put it to an unofficial vote with a poll.

So, in the poll below, let us know who you think would make the best Joker for the next Batman film. If you REALLY think it should be someone else other than a person on the like, leave their name in the comments section. But try to place a vote anyway with the names available.

Al Pacino In Ocean’s 13

Al-Pacino Ocean's 13If you had no interest in Ocean’s 13… get ready to change your mind. It’s now being reported that Al Pacino has singed on to appear in Ocean’s 13. His character will apparently be some sort of Casino owner. Perhaps another/tougher version of the Andy Garcia character from the first 2 films?

Exactly how much talent can you cram into one movie?!?! This cast is getting insane! As long as the script doesn’t totally suck it’ll be fun to watch if for no other reason than the performers on the screen. Yikes!

Now… if they can only find a way to get Johnny Depp in there too.

Journey to the Center of the Earth 3-D

I’m one of the few people who really doesn’t mind the idea of remakes. If it’s done well, a good re-telling of a great story can be fun. When done badly… it sucks harder than Jenna Jameson.

It’s now being reported that Brendan Fraser has joined up to star in Journey to the Center of the Earth which will apparently be done in 3-D. I actually like Fraser a lot, he has a lot more range than people give him credit for. The good folks over at M&C give us this:

The story revolves around a scientist who is stuck with his nephew as they embark on a trip to Iceland to check on a volcanic sensor. During a storm, they get trapped in a cave, and the only way out is through the center of Earth.

I know a lot of people will roll their eyes at this one, but I actually think it sounds like fun.

United 93 Opens in New York

It took a lot of balls to make United 93. The potential for angry backlash is HUGE!!! But the film’s producers seem to have done it right. They enlisted the help of the families of the people on Flight 93 and consulted with the through the whole process. The film opened at the Tribecca Film Festival (Also gutsy to open the film in New York), and the response seems to be very positive.

The folks at Yahoo News give us this:

At Tuesday’s premiere, the screen went dark after the stomach-turning sequence showing the plane’s nosedive. The theater was silent except for the gut-wrenching sobs and wails from the loge, where the relatives were seated together.

Moviegoers absorbed and shared their pain. Throughout the screening, they wept, drew sharp breaths, gasped and covered their faces with their hands. They shifted in their seats, sometimes to look back at the family section.

“You saw moviemaking and real life come together,” said Jeffrey Sachs, a consultant from Manhattan who attended the premiere. “It fills in the mystery of what happened.”

It sounds like the film accomplished exactly what it set out to do. Be a respectful telling of the story of United 93. I haven’t seen the film yet myself… but if they did pull that off, the producers and director will deserve a lot of praise. I’ll be the first one to give it to them.

John’s Road Report #1

Hey there folks, John here.

Ok, as some of you know (and even fewer of you care about) I’ve just hit the road for an extended filming segment for my upcoming documentary “The Prince Of Peace - The God of War”. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a look at the paradox within the North American christian church of a majority of the Religious Right that support war… and yet the teachings of its founder seem to suggest a life of non-violence for his followers.

To answer a couple of questions that a bunch of people have understandably asked me. 1) No, this project is NOT anti-Christian. I was once a Christian myself and have the deepest respect for that faith. Asking hard questions is not disrespect. 2) No, it’s probably not going to be very good. Although I have a history in editing and producing short film, this is my first kick at the can at a documentary. 3) Yes, I am interviewing religious and political leaders from both sides of the issue. 4) Yes, I am going down to the US as well, but that part will be at the end of May/begining of June.

I already started filming a few weeks ago, but this leg of the project began on Sunday when I left Hamilton Ontario to head out west. I drove 8 hours the first day and stayed over night in Sault St. Marie, Ontario. Then drove 7 more hours the next day and stayed overnight in Thunder Bay (home of Paul Schaffer from the David Letterman show). Yesterday I drove from Thunder Bay to Winnipeg and interviewed Dr. Michael Gilmour, Professor of New Testament at Providence Seminary (great guy), and then proceeded to drive to Regina, Saskatchewan. All in all I drove 15 hours yesterday and my ass is killing me!

I’m going to relax in Regina for the rest of today and tomorrow, and then head to Saskatoon, Saskatchwan tomorrow night. I’ll be there for a couple of days and I’ll be interviewing Jordon Cooper, founder of Resonate Canada. I’ll be staying at Myron’s place (it’s his bands music that is the theme of The Audio Edition). He told me he’s making me Steak! Still 6 more cities after Saskatoon!

I’ll still be posting (obviously) from the road, and I’m going to try to join Doug and Darren for an Audio Edition or 2 over Skype or something. If I can’t it’s no bid deal, they’re obviously doing a great job without me. Maybe better.

Another update in a couple of days. (Oh, and keep emailing me… it makes me feel all special)

Major And Amazing Transformers Movie News

I’ve said a dozen times that there is no single movie project I am looking forward to more than the upcoming Transformers movie. And slam Bay all you want, I actually think he is the man for this particular job. I was starting to get a little worried about the film when I saw how big the human cast was getting… untill…

The lucky bastards over at AICN got to interview Michael Bay (the director) about The Transformers. And in the interview he shares some amazing stuff. Including:

1) They ARE INDEED auditioning the ORIGINAL voice actors for The Transformers!!!! That’s not to say they WILL be cast. Bay wants to make sure their voices haven’t aged too much (which makes sense to me)

2) We DO INDEED see Cybertron!

3) There is an Optimus Prime and Megatron Fight in downtown Los Angeles!!!!!

4) Scorponok is in the movie

5) The characters are being slightly re-designed so they won’t be as “blocky”. This also makes good sense to me.

6) The Movie starts in Antartica with a man finding something strange in the ice (geee… I wonder what that might be)

7) Action Action Action - “From the animatics, the action seemed to be huge and what you’d want from a movie like this. Of course, Bay’s fingerprints are all over them, even at this early stage of planning. I saw fights between fully transformed Autobots and Decepticons that had them plucking lamp posts out of the ground and smashing the other with the blocky concrete end, I saw them jumping all over each other, only to be shot back by an arm cannon, I saw mid-air transformations from a Jet into a robot as it collides a standing robot in downtown LA” Yes Yes Yes!!!

8) Movie starts shooting NEXT MONTH

9) Teaser trailer comes to us July 4th

10) Optimus will still indeed be a Mac truck

Ok, I’m officially back on the band wagon again. I’m going to see this thing 12 times in the first 3 days of release no matter how good or bad it ends up being.

Your thoughts?

Johnny Depp in INXS Movie?

For a few years, INXS was arguably the 2nd biggest band in the world (U2 was really rolling at the time). The suicide of frontman Michael Hutchence was a true tragedy for the music world (even though it’s nice having a Canadian as the lead singer now).

There is a project in the works to do a movie on the life of Hutchence, and Johnny Depp’s name is being thrown around as the top of the list candidate for the role. The good folks over at JoBlo give us this:

Producers are further looking to round out the cast with an ambitious list of names that include Eric Bana, Sienna Miller, Naomi Watts, Eva Green, Patsy Kensit, Hayden Christensen, Stephen Rea, Joss Ackland, Rachel Griffiths, and Julie Walters. The film, which has a working title of SLIDE AWAY (references an INXS-U2 duet) is under director Nick Egan, who directed a lot of INXS’s more popular videos, and contrary to the rumor that has recently surfaced, Hutchence’s father is not upset about the film and is cooperating with the production through Hutchence’s Trust.

I don’t know why I get so fascinated by Rock bios. Maybe it’s the tragedy of them… maybe it’s just that they remind me that these gods amongst men are indeed just screwed up humans too… maybe it’s the hot chicks.

2006 MTV Movie Award Nominees

The MTV Movie Awards mean absolutely nothing. Zero. Ziltch. Now, having said that, I have to admit that the show itself is pretty entertaining (just please for the love of all that is good and holy don’t let either Lindsay Lohan or Jimmy Fallon host the show). The Gollumn acceptance speech for Best Digital Character was television magic!

So even though the awards don’t mean anything, here are the 2006 MTV Movie Awards nominees (my picks are bolded):


* The 40-Year Old Virgin (Universal Pictures)
* Batman Begins (Warner Bros. Pictures)
* King Kong (Universal Pictures)
* Sin City (Dimension Films)
* Wedding Crashers (New Line Cinema)


* Joaquin Phoenix - Walk The Line (20th Century Fox)
* Jake Gyllenhaal - Brokeback Mountain (Focus Features)
* Rachel McAdams - Red Eye (DreamWorks SKG)
* Steve Carell - The 40-Year Old Virgin (Universal Pictures)
* Terrence Howard - Hustle & Flow (Paramount Classics)
* Reese Witherspoon - Walk The Line (20th Century Fox)


* Owen Wilson - Wedding Crashers (New Line Cinema)
* Adam Sandler - The Longest Yard (Paramount Pictures)
* Steve Carell - The 40-Year Old Virgin (Universal Pictures)
* Tyler Perry - Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Family Reunion (Lions Gate Films)
* Vince Vaughn - Wedding Crashers (New Line Cinema)


* Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, Seth Rogen & Romany Malco - The 40-Year Old Virgin (Universal Pictures)

* Johnny Knoxville, Seann William Scott & Jessica Simpson - The Dukes of Hazzard (Warner Bros. Pictures)

* Jessica Alba, Ioan Gruffudd, Chris Evans & Michael Chiklis - Fantastic Four (20 th Century Fox)

* Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson & Rupert Grint - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Warner Bros. Pictures)

* Vince Vaughn & Owen Wilson - Wedding Crashers (New Line Cinema)


* Cillian Murphy - Batman Begins (Warner Bros. Pictures)
* Hayden Christensen - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (20 th Century Fox)
* Ralph Fiennes - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Warner Bros. Pictures)
* Tilda Swinton - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Disney Pictures)
* Tobin Bell - Saw II (Lions Gate Films)


* Andre “3000” Benjamin - Four Brothers (Paramount Pictures)
* Isla Fisher - Wedding Crashers (New Line Cinema)
* Nelly - The Longest Yard (Paramount Pictures)
* Jennifer Carpenter - The Exorcism of Emily Rose (Screen Gems)
* Romany Malco - The 40-Year Old Virgin (Universal Pictures)
* Taraji P. Henson - Hustle & Flow (Paramount Classics)


* Christian Bale - Batman Begins (Warner Bros. Pictures)
* Jessica Alba - Fantastic Four (20 th Century Fox)
* Daniel Radcliffe - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Warner Bros. Pictures)
* Kate Beckinsale - Underworld: Evolution (Screen Gems)
* Ewan McGregor - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (20 th Century Fox)


* Beyonce Knowles - The Pink Panther (Sony Pictures)
* Jessica Alba - Sin City (Dimension Films)
* Jessica Simpson - The Dukes of Hazzard (Warner Bros. Pictures)
* Ziyi Zhang - Memoirs of a Geisha (Sony Pictures)
* Rob Schneider - Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo (Sony Pictures)


* Kong vs. The Planes - King Kong (Universal Pictures)
* Stephen Chow vs. Axe Gang - Kung Fu Hustle (Sony Pictures Classics)
* Angelina Jolie vs. Brad Pitt - Mr. & Mrs. Smith (20 th Century Fox)
* Ewan McGregor vs. Hayden Christensen - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (20 th Century Fox)


* Jake Gyllenhaal & Heath Ledger - Brokeback Mountain (Focus Features)
* Taraji P. Henson & Terrence Howard - Hustle & Flow (Paramount Classics)
* Anna Faris & Chris Marquette - Just Friends (New Line Cinema)
* Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt - Mr. & Mrs. Smith (20 th Century Fox)
* Rosario Dawson & Clive Owen - Sin City (Dimension Films)


* Rachel Nichols - The Amityville Horror (MGM)
* Jennifer Carpenter - The Exorcism of Emily Rose (Screen Gems)
* Derek Richardson - Hostel (Lions Gate Films)
* Paris Hilton - House of Wax (Warner Bros. Pictures)
* Dakota Fanning - War of the Worlds (Paramount Pictures)

Audio Edition - April 24th 2006

Welcome to The Audio Edition. On this installment we discuss:

1) John Campea being AWOL due to unforeseen sexual irresponsibility.

2) Cheap WB Cd’s in the Peoples Republic of China

3) Star Blazers Movie

4) Shoplifting

5) X Men Movie Poster

6) Star Wars 3D

All this and a few things more.

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

You can download this installment of The Audio Edition here.

To subscribe to the podcast of The Audio Edition on iTunes copy this link and then paste it into iTunes-Advanced-Subscribe to Podcast.

The Great WB Idea That Makes Me Mad As Hell

piracyWe all know that pirated DVDs in China is a HUGE problem. How on earth can the studios hope to sell their product in a market where people are selling illegal DVD copies of their movies for $3 or less? Well… the folks over at Warner Brothers Home Video have just come up with an interesting way to fight them…. sell the DVDs for even CHEAPER!

Yes that’s right. According to the good folks over at Gizmodo, Warner Borthers is going to start selling the DVD of The Aviator in China for… are you ready for this… $1.50!!!!

Now, I’ve got 2 thoughts on this. First of all I think this is a great and innovative idea. Instead of trying (in vain) to shut down all the pirates out there… beat them at their own game! Become more competative and meet the consumers obvious demand. It will be in simple cardboard packaging… but no one cares about that. Warner Brothers will make less profit from it… but they’ll win back a lot of the business and maybe find a new model that will work for them and put the pirates out of business. GREAT IDEA!

HOWEVER… this also makes me mad as hell. You mean to tell me that WB can sell their DVDs for $1.50 and still make a little profit… AN YET I STILL HAVE TO PAY $25 FOR ONE OF THEIR %@##$ MOVIES!?!?! What the hell?!?!?!

Maybe the lesson here is that we need to start pirating a WHOLE LOT MORE MOVIES so that WB and other studios will stop bending us over and screwing us like it’s prom night. We all knew they were making a big profit margin on DVD sales… but even I didn’t think it was THIS big.

So hurray for WB for being forward thinking in how to fight the piracy problem. But at the same time… I must ask… WHY THE F*CK ARE YOU abusing your customers over here so badly?!?! Oh that’s right… you do it because we’re to stupid to force you to do otherwise. Something has to change.

Your thoughts?

Star Blazers Movie

Star-Blazers-MovieI think I just wet myself!!!! As a kid, one of my FAVORITE cartoon shows was a North American version of an anime show called “Star Blazers“. In Japan, it was called “Space Battleship Yamato”. I freaking LOVED this show. I can still sing you the theme song if you’d like.

Anyway, the show is set in the future after the earth was bombarded by nuclear attacks from an alien force. Humanity is now forced to live deep underground because of the deadly radiation… but the radiation is getting deeper and deeper, and humanity only has 1 year left before the radiation reaches them. They then get a message from another world saying they have a “cure” for the radiation that will clean up the planet, so they build a mighty space ship from the hull of the old legendary Japanese war ship Yamato to go and get it. The rest is anime deliciousness at its finest!!!! Best anime show EVER!!!

So according to the good folks over at Coming Soon, they’re going to be turning Star Blazers into a live action film!!!! JOY!!!! There is no word yet on the when… but I’ll stand in live for a month before opening day (yeah… I know I’ll be the only one there). Oh my sweet childhood is all coming rushing back to me now. Wave Motion Gun Baby!!!!

New X-Men 3 Poster

X-Men-3-New-PosterAs the release date gets closer, my anticipation for X-Men 3 seems to be growing exponentially. This is bad news since I’m probably just setting myself up for disappointment. Oh well.

A new X-Men 3 poster has just hit the web. It’s an international poster and probably not one that will be used in North America, but personally I really like it. I especially like seeing Angel in the black leather X-uniform. The Golden Gate Bridge getting torn up in the background also looks pretty slick.

If you want to see a much larger version of the poster you can go see it here.

Audio Edition - April 21st 2006

The week is over! Welcome to The Audio Edition. On this installment we discuss:

1) The newest Transformers news… TOO MANY HUMANS!!!

2) Star Trek returning to the big screen… with prequels. Ug.

3) Angelina Jolie returning to the Tomb Raider series

4) A review of The Sentinel

5) A review of Silent Hill (not good) All this and a few things more

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

You can download this installment of The Audio Edition here.

To subscribe to the podcast of The Audio Edition on iTunes copy this link and then paste it into iTunes-Advanced-Subscribe to Podcast.

John Reviews The Sentinel

John gives his quick 3 minute review of The Sentinel.

Transformers Movie Cast

Oh Delicious! News on The Transformers movie front has been pretty scarce of late, and now there finally seems to be some significant news. It looks like a whole bunch of casting for the human characters has been done. The good folks over at Cinematical give us this:

some major casting moves. The list is long, and contains several actors familiar to director Michael Bay. They are, in no particular order, Jon Voight, Michael Clarke Duncan, Josh Duhamel, Bernie Mac, Tyrese, John Turturro, Rachael Taylor, Megan Fox, Travis Van Winkle and John Robinson.

Ok, I have to admit I like that list… HOWEVER….

After doing some reading… these are all HUMAN characters. I DON’T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THE FRIGGING HUMAN CHARACTERS!!!! I don’t want the Transformers movie to focus on a bunch of humans! I want to see giant robots beating the crap out of each other and throwing each other through buildings and mountains.

The thing that I’m worried about is that every human character cast is more minutes of human screen time. Every minute of human screen time is one LESS minute of Optimus Prime screen time!!! This is too many relevant human characters!!!! All I want to see is Braun kicking Thundercracker in the face! (If you know what I’m talking about, congratulations, you’re officially as big of a geek as me).

Your thoughts?

Star Trek is Back

You know… with all of the on again - off again rumours of future of the Star Trek movie franchise… it’s hard to get excited about any news that comes out about it. However, this seem worthy of some attention.

It looks like Paramount is bringing back Star Trek with Spock, James T. Kirk, Scotty and Dr. Mcoy. Here’s the catch… it’s going to be them as young men when they all first meet at the Academy. Hmmmm… I don’t know how I feel about that.

It’s also being reported that J.J. Abrams is going to direct and produce the new… ummm… old adventures of the crew. The good folks over at M&C give us the following:

Banking on the success of the upcoming ‘Mission: Impossible III’ (‘MI3’), Paramount has tapped J.J. Abrams to helm and produce the 11th installment. Assisting on the production side will be the extremely successful producing team from the ‘Lost’ TV series, Damon Lindel and Bryan Burk. Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci co-writers from ‘MI3’ will work with Abrams on the screenplay.

Well, I really don’t mind these guys working on it… but I’m still ify on the whole “prequel” idea with younger characters from the original series. Can anyone other than William Shatner actually play James T. Kirk? Maybe. We’ll wait and see.

Angelina Jolie Is Lara Croft For Tomb Raider 3

I’d have to say that the Tomb Raider franchise has probably given us the best Video Game to Movie adaptations yet. And that’s NOT saying much. The first one was ok… the second one was dreadful… and as such Angelina Jolie said she wouldn’t do another one. It’s funny how a dump truck full of money and a desire to show the world hot hot you can be after having a baby can change your mind.

Our good friends over at Cinema Blend are reporting that Jolie is indeed back on board for Tomb Raider 3. Here’s what they had to say:

Rumor mongering British newspaper Daily Express that Angelina is taking on the role of Lara Croft again for Tomb Raider 3, and what’s more plans to start training to get into shape for it as soon as she pops out Brad Pitt’s seed. Tomb Raider creator Ron Livingston confirms, “Paramount has optioned it and Angelina has agreed to star in the third.”

I’ve always thought the concept of Tomb Raider had great potential… just poorly executed. Maybe Tomb Raider 3 will get things on track… maybe not. Either way it’ll be nice to see Jolie in tank top again with her lactate enhanced breasts.

Superman Returns in 3D

As a kid I used to enjoy the off novelty of going to a 3D movie. I think my first one was that horrible Jaws 3-D flick. Oh my goodness that brings back some bad memories. I honestly can’t remember off the top of my head if I’ve seen any other 3D films in the last 10 years or so.

To me, it seems like all 3D is really good for is exactly that… novelty. Maybe once every 10 years. But seriously… does it actually ADD anything to the theatrical experience?

In an attempt to capitalize on said novelty, it looks like Superman Returns is going to be released in IMAX 3D on the same day the film opens in wide release. The good folks over at M&C give us this:

‘Superman Returns’ will be the world’s first live-action Hollywood feature to be converted from 2D to IMAX 3D. Will this be the answer to getting Hollywood out of the doldrums represented by the 9% drop in ticket sales last year? That remains to be seen. However it will be difficult to assess the success of the 3D venture and track IMAX box office receipts as the studios do not lump them in with regular screen totals and the independent organization that used to track giant screen totals - no longer does so.

If any film can really capitalize on the whole novelty of 3D, I imagine that film would be Superman. But really… would anyone actually watch this movie in 3D BEFORE seeing it in its regular format first? I wouldn’t.

Your thoughts?

Hood Of Horror

BIlly-Dee-Williams-Hood-HorrorOh my sweet goodness. Today’s prize for best new movie title goes to Snoop Dogg’s new flick “Hood Of Horror“. Did you really expect it to be anything else? As if that wasn’t enough to make me giggle… check out this cast list from our good friends at Dark Horizons:

Ernie Hudson, Danny Trejo, Method Man, Jason Alexander and Billy Dee Williams also star in the flick which follows three terrifying inner-city tales of the residents of an inner city neighbourhood whose actions in this life will determine their destination in the afterlife.

Oh my goodness! Billy Freaking Dee Williams!!!!! I’m sooo going to be there opening day. No… it’s not actually going to be any good… but man it can still be delicious!

Matthew Perry Goes Numb

Matthew-Perry-NumbComing out of Friends, Matthew Perry had the best chance at success on the big screen. His film “The Whole Nine Yards” was the ONLY decent Friends cast movie ever made (at the time), and his humor and style just seemed more suited to the movies. Yeah… didn’t quite work out that way.

After the whole nine yards, all of Perry’s films have been disasters. However, as our good friends over at Cinema Blend are reporting… it looks like Perry may have just found the right role for himself in “Numb” to get his career going again:

The former Bing will play an unstable screenwriter with a “depersonalization disorder”. Don’t know what that is? The official press release describes it as an alienating condition akin to an extreme depression. It’s so bad, by comparison it makes depressed people look quirky. The super-depressed writer falls for a girl, but since he’s such a downer he can’t get her. To win her heart, he puts himself through every kind of therapy available to fix his downer problem and earn her love.

This does sound good to me… however I also see 2 potential problems with it:

1) It sounds a little too much like As Good As It Gets for me

2) The people writing it. “Harris Goldberg, who had a hand in writing and producing Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo and the truly horrible, career ending Dana Carvey vehicle Master of Disguise. In the hands of a many like that, there may be another failure in store for the sadly underrated Matthew Perry. ”

Ouch… that’s NOT good news. Those are two of the worst films of all time. Man, I sure would like to see Perry land on his feet again.

Silent Hill 7 minute clip

I don’t have a lot of hope for Silent Hill. The movie has 3 things really working against it right now.

1) It’s a video game movie… they all suck.

2) The studio didn’t let the critics see it in advance to review it. This is NOT a good sign. it basically says “We know it’s bad, so we don’t want the word to get out”.

3) This preview doesn’t impress me.

This is an extended clip from the movie that was aired on MTV. Personally, I’m not thrilled with it at all. I really hope this thing is good and breaks this annoying streak of Video Game films sucking ass. But I doubt it will.

You can see the Silent Hill preview clip here.

The first real review of Silent Hill is out. The Hollywood Reporter gave it a 2 out of 10. One review does not make or break the deal… so let’s just see what happens when more come in.

Frank Oz Directing “Death at a Funeral”

Frank-Oz-Death-FuneralI love Frank Oz as a director. The Dark Crystal, Bowfinger, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels… yadda yadda yadda (it doesn’t hurt my appreciation for his that he does the voice of Yoda too!). Word had it that his newest project is “Death at a Funeral”. The good folks over at Cinema Confidential give us this little synopsis:

“Funeral” follows a dysfunctional British family as they gather to mourn the passing of their patriarch. But when a man threatens to expose the patriarch’s secret unless he is paid a large amount of cash, the man’s two sons try to do everything to keep the secret from leaking to the guests, and what should be a heartfelt good-bye turns into a calamity.

These types of comedies seem to be Frank Oz’s strength. I’m thinking this will be fantastic.

I, Lucifer

I-Lucifer MovieIt looks like the new James Bond is already working hard not to get type casted. Daniel Craig has reportedly signed on to play THE DEVIL in the new adaptation of an “I, Lucifer” movie. I think it sounds pretty decent actually.

The good folks over at CHUD give us this little peak into the project:

The story finds Old Scratch granted an opportunity to live as a mortal for a month in the body of a suicidal writer (named Declan Gunn - anagram alert!). Once he’s sampled drugs and whores (I knew there was a reason I loved the devil, hail Satan), he sets about marketing the film rights to his life, but slowly discovers human annoyances like conscience.

THis sounds interesting to me… although on the outside also sounds a lot like Meet Joe Black… but let’s give it the benefit of the doubt for the moment.

Another interesting casting rumor for the project has Ewan McGregor as the guy Satan takes over. That’s funny… I thought he already did and made him do those Star Wars sequels.

The Condemned With Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vinnie Jones

Steve-Austin-The-CondemnedThe WWE has been in the process of developing its own films for a little while now. One of the projects they have in the works is called “The Condemned“. This one will star former wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin and a guy I get a real kick out of seeing on screen Vinnie Jones (playing Juggernaut in the upcoming X-Men 3).

Austin is a HUGE dude, who has all the physical tools to pull off a great action hero. The only problem is that I don’t know if the guy can act. His small part in The Longest Yard didn’t really give us much to base an opinion on. So I guess we’ll have to wait and see. The good folks over at Empire give us this synopsis of “The Condemned”:

Austin will play a man on death row in a corrupt Central American jail. He’s “bought” by a wealthy TV producer looking for the next big thing in reality telly. Austin’s character must fight to the death with nine other condemned men.

Yeah… wasn’t this called “The Running Man” a few years ago? Oh well… it could still be fun.

Steven Seagal with New CD “Mojo Priest”

Oh yes boys and girls. Everyone’s favorite chubby action star Steven Seagal has released a new music cd called “Mojo Priest”. Ummm… actually come to think of it…. I really like the title. Anyway…

So I went on over to the official page for the album and noticed that all the tracks have 30 second samples that you could listen to. So I decided to listen to them and got ready to laugh my ass off. But guess what… I actually liked what I heard. No seriously… I might actually buy this cd. Holy crap… never thought I’d say that.

It’s actually a mix blues/jazz/southrn kinda feel… and what can I say… I liked it. who da thunk? I think my favorite song title is “Talk to my Ass“.

Around The Web - April 20th 2006

Here are some of the other movie news items that you may be interested in:

- Over The Hedge Promo clip with William Shatner The great guys over at Movies Online sent me this. Shatner is hilarious!

- Lindsay Lohan up for a role in Dallas Oh good grief. I think I’d prefer JLo

- Roger Avary To do “Driver” Oh yay… another video game movie. AND it’s producer by Paul W.S. Anderson. Oh for joy

- Laurence Fishburne sign up for “Prey” “The psychological thriller centers on a man who sets out on a solo hunting expedition in the middle of winter and severely injures his leg. He is rescued by a mysterious trapper with secretly sinister intentions.” Ummm… wasnt’ this called Misery???

- Renee Zellweger drops out of “The Eye” and joins “Case 39″

- X-Men 3 7 Minute preview FOX will be airing 7 minutes of footage from the movie right before the series finale of “That 70s Show. On May 11th.

- Hilarious clip from “Stick It” with Jeff Bridges The movie looks stupid beyond words… but this clip is funny

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